Which are the causes of Addison Disease?

See some of the causes of Addison Disease according to people who have experience in Addison Disease

Addison Disease causes

Addison's disease, also known as primary adrenal insufficiency, is a rare but serious condition that occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough cortisol and sometimes aldosterone. These glands, located on top of the kidneys, play a crucial role in producing hormones that help regulate various bodily functions.

There are several causes of Addison's disease:

  1. Autoimmune Disorders: The most common cause of Addison's disease is an autoimmune disorder, where the body's immune system mistakenly attacks and damages the adrenal glands. In this case, the immune system produces antibodies that target and destroy the adrenal cortex, leading to insufficient hormone production.

  2. Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis (TB) is another significant cause of Addison's disease, particularly in countries where TB is prevalent. The infection can spread to the adrenal glands, causing damage and impairing their ability to produce hormones.

  3. Infections: Other bacterial, viral, or fungal infections can also affect the adrenal glands and lead to Addison's disease. For example, HIV/AIDS, which weakens the immune system, can increase the risk of adrenal gland infections.

  4. Cancer and Metastasis: Rarely, cancerous tumors can develop in the adrenal glands, disrupting their hormone production. Additionally, cancers originating in other parts of the body can spread (metastasize) to the adrenal glands and cause damage.

  5. Hemorrhage: In some cases, bleeding into the adrenal glands can occur due to trauma, surgery, or other medical conditions. This hemorrhage can impair the glands' function and lead to adrenal insufficiency.

  6. Genetic Factors: Certain genetic mutations can cause Addison's disease. For example, a condition called congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) affects the adrenal glands' ability to produce cortisol, leading to adrenal insufficiency.

  7. Medications and Treatments: Prolonged use of certain medications, such as corticosteroids, can suppress the adrenal glands' natural hormone production. If these medications are suddenly stopped or tapered off too quickly, it can result in adrenal insufficiency. Additionally, surgical removal of the adrenal glands (adrenalectomy) can cause Addison's disease unless hormone replacement therapy is provided.

It's important to note that the causes of Addison's disease can vary depending on the geographic location and prevalence of certain conditions. Autoimmune disorders and tuberculosis are the most common causes worldwide, but the relative importance of other causes may differ in specific regions.

Regardless of the cause, Addison's disease requires proper diagnosis and treatment. If left untreated, it can lead to potentially life-threatening complications, such as adrenal crisis, where the body goes into shock due to a severe deficiency of cortisol. Treatment typically involves hormone replacement therapy to restore the deficient hormones and manage the symptoms of the disease.

13 answers
Although the original definition of Addison's disease described the failure of the adrenals, some in the medical field also refer to pituitary failure to stimulate cortisol as Addison's. To clear up confusion, many medical organizations are now using the terms Primary Adrenal Insufficiency to describe cortisol deficiency from direct failures of the adrenal glands, and Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency to describe cortisol deficiency from an indirect failure of the pituitary to signal cortisol by the adrenal glands. Primary causes include autoimmune destruction, damage from diseases such as TB, hemorrhaging of adrenals, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, as well as adrenalectomy surgery to remedy Cushing's disease. Secondary causes include pituitary tumors, empty sella syndrome, Sheehan's syndrome and long term steroid use for conditions such as asthma. Sometimes the cause of secondary A.I. cannot be determined.

Posted Mar 11, 2017 by justdeirdre 1051
Stress / shock is the main cause I think

Posted Mar 12, 2017 by S 2350
Autoimmune disease, virus, inhaled steroids. Tumors of the adrenals

Posted Mar 12, 2017 by Vikki 1000
Other autoimmune diseases can have an impact, changes in hormones, foods, truauma

Posted Apr 27, 2017 by Missy 1650
-A person may have a dysfunction of the adrenal glands causing too little production of cortisol

- There are many more secondary causes; some include issues of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, causing a breakdown in the HPA axis and thus not allowing the adrenals to be signalled into producing cortisol correctly. Others include tumours of the adnerals or pituitary.

Posted May 30, 2017 by Lucienne 800
Addison's disease results when your adrenal glands are damaged, producing insufficient amounts of the hormone cortisol and often aldosterone as well. These glands are located just above your kidneys. As part of your endocrine system, they produce hormones that give instructions to virtually every organ and tissue in your body.

Your adrenal glands are composed of two sections. The interior (medulla) produces adrenaline-like hormones. The outer layer (cortex) produces a group of hormones called corticosteroids, which include glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids and male sex hormones (androgens).

Some of the hormones the cortex produces are essential for life — the glucocorticoids and the mineralocorticoids.

Glucocorticoids. These hormones, which include cortisol, influence your body's ability to convert food fuels into energy, play a role in your immune system's inflammatory response and help your body respond to stress.
Mineralocorticoids. These hormones, which include aldosterone, maintain your body's balance of sodium and potassium to keep your blood pressure normal.
Androgens. These male sex hormones are produced in small amounts by the adrenal glands in both men and women. They cause sexual development in men, and influence muscle mass, libido and a sense of well-being in both men and women.

Posted Sep 12, 2017 by Tina 2050
The majority of the causes are Autoimmune. The the autoimmune disease arises because of the inheritance of specific HLA genes.

The minority can arise due to tuberculosis.

Posted Feb 16, 2019 by Edward 1400
Translated from portuguese Improve translation
Causes of autoimmune and infectious diseases, and use for a long period of corticoids, as well as the weaning bad of the same and also situations of great stress

Posted Jun 24, 2017 by Elineuda 1280
Translated from spanish Improve translation
There are different causes, for a TB, or other diseases. . . But it is usually causes Autoimmune

Posted Oct 18, 2017 by Susana 2000
Translated from spanish Improve translation
The cause is that the capsules adrenal don't work , that don't work I think I may be more infections, or genetics

Posted Oct 18, 2017 by 1550
Translated from spanish Improve translation
damage of the adrenal glands, low cortisol levels, an imbalance electrolitico and inheritance genetic

Posted Oct 31, 2017 by Dayana 2520
Translated from portuguese Improve translation
I can not find the exact cause. There is the intense stress and prolonged, but because of some person to develop the disease is not discovered yet.

Posted Nov 6, 2017 by ana carolina 1000

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    Slumping into a chair I lamented to my father, ‘I feel like my life is hanging on a thin strand that could break at any moment.’ It was late October, 1980. How, in a matter of months, did a formerly healthy, animated career woman of thir...
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It took 9 months before the doctors new what was wrong with me and then i nearly died  ,trying to learn to live with Addision and it is not easy i am so tired and depressed and in pain ,find it very hard to do any thing
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I was 16 years old and off roading with a four wheeler motor bike. We went up a steep incline and I fell off the back of the bike and broke my fall with my head. I cracked my skull, thus leading to brain swelling and brain injuries. To cut a long sto...
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My story is on untold stories of the ER already you can look it up it's called ice cold mom. It's on YouTube in Canada and Netflix all over the world
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My son was diagnosed with POMC before his 2nd birthday in 2010. As far as we know he is the only one in the USA but we are looking. because I have created POMC Island I have been contacted by 3 other families.http://www.facebook.com/P.O.M.C.Island ...

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