Story about Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency .

Oh that breathlessness

Dec 21, 2015

In 1994 I began to feel breathless whilst working as a community nurse. Climbing stairs became a struggle and then continuous lung infections and colds. Dignosis was made one year later - Z-nul - and I continued working for 9 years. Becoming limited doing certain things frustrates me so much and learning to slow down was one of the most difficult things to do. One positive from Alpha 1 was being told our daughter did not carry the Z gene. My brother was diagnosed as MZ several years later and sadly at 49 years of age he passed away in 2010. The PM showed Lobar pneumonia  and emphysema in both lungs. This has been one of the hardest things for me to deal with since my mother's passing in 2008. She was not tested but suffered breathing difficulties later in life. Unlike me and my brother she was a non-smoker. There are many things you learn to do to help yourself , keep healthy and the most important is not to smoke and avoid smoky atmospheres, dust, chemicals and pollution. 

Live, love and laugh is my motto and if it feels good - do it, if you liked it do it again is my daily mantra.

Keep well everyone xxxx

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