Hereditary Angioedema synonyms

What other names are the Hereditary Angioedema known by? Synonyms and other terms with which Hereditary Angioedema is known.

Hereditary Angioedema is also known as...

Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of swelling in various parts of the body. This condition is caused by a deficiency or dysfunction of a protein called C1 inhibitor, which plays a crucial role in regulating the immune system and preventing excessive inflammation.

HAE is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed due to its rarity and similarity to other conditions. It is important to be aware of the various synonyms and alternative names used to describe this condition, as it can aid in accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Some of the synonyms for Hereditary Angioedema include:

  • Hereditary Angioneurotic Edema: This term emphasizes the edematous nature of the condition, referring to the swelling that occurs in response to the disorder.

  • Familial Angioedema: This term highlights the hereditary nature of the condition, indicating that it can be passed down through generations within a family.

  • Quincke's Disease: Named after Heinrich Quincke, a German physician who first described the condition in the late 19th century. This term is less commonly used today but may still be encountered in medical literature or historical contexts.

  • Hereditary Angioedema Type I, II, or III: These subtypes refer to different genetic mutations or abnormalities that can cause HAE. Type I is characterized by low levels of functional C1 inhibitor, Type II involves normal or elevated levels of dysfunctional C1 inhibitor, and Type III is associated with estrogen-related angioedema in women.

It is crucial for individuals with symptoms suggestive of HAE to consult with a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis. Early recognition and appropriate management can help prevent severe swelling episodes and improve the quality of life for those affected by this condition.

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Stories of Hereditary Angioedema

Hereditary Angioedema stories
Mine started in 2009 with my first swell, it was my lips and cheek. That is the same time the ucartia started also. It took my Dr. 5 years to find something to help me control and survive my Angioedema. I never knew how bad this could be till I was d...
Hereditary Angioedema stories
My earliest memory of HAE symptoms was when I was about 6 or 7.  I would occasionally get the abdomen swelling, be sick and sweating all day, then I would finally vomit and then feel better, go to sleep and be better the next morning.  I consider m...
Hereditary Angioedema stories
Desde niño tuve que soportar los diversos episodios de AEH sin saberlo, pasando de medico en medico con diversidad de diagnosticos y ordenes de cirugias innecesarias, gracias a Dios no acudi a ninguna. Fue hace tres años que optuve el diagnostico r...
Hereditary Angioedema stories
I was diagnosed accidentally, after seeing a TV show where the host talked about her HAE in 2014. My first attack was at 8, when I was mistakenly hospitalized with appendicitis.  The surgery wasn't done, because I felt better in 3 days.  Next reme...
Hereditary Angioedema stories
i was dx in 2008 with my first fasel swell . im hae type 2 . im co founder of the facebook group ( https://www.facebook.com/groups/156649074393978/ )

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Hereditary Angioedema forum

Hereditary Angioedema forum
Hi All, Is anyone aware of Cinryze experiencing a shortage supply? If so, why and where is this shortage (US or Europe)?   Thanks!
Hereditary Angioedema forum
Hi All, Is anyone aware of Cinryze experiencing a shortage supply? If so, why and where is this shortage (US or Europe)?   Thanks!
Hereditary Angioedema forum
Hi All, For those of you currently (or in the past) taking Cinryze, Firazyr, or Kalbitor, has Shire always paid for your co-pays through the co-pay assistance program or was there a limit to how much they paid? I've also heard that the case managers...
Hereditary Angioedema forum
Hi Everyone, I am interested in understanding and learning about your perspective on treatments and services available for HAE. What happens when you lose insurance and you need to obtain treatment? During this time, are you given treatment fre...
Hereditary Angioedema forum
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to understand what it is like for people with HAE. Therefore, would you ever switch treatment? Why or why not? What happens if you lose insurance coverage? Are you still recieving treatment? Was there a time where you had to ...

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