Story about Anosmia .

A Anosmia story

Aug 7, 2016


My name is Inês, I'm 20 years old and I'm from Portugal.

I don't make the minimum idea what was the time that I left the smell. But I know that sometimes when I was a child I was feeling sick to stay close to the paperboard. 

I never realy question me about don't smell until have 18 years. I knew it but I never had the sure.

I went to the ENT Doctor and I made a smells teste and a magnetic resonance. The magnetic resonance got the results that I just have 17% of smelling and that it's not possible to return the situation.

My doctor says the i can't smell because: All the people have a muscle in the brain that decrypts the neurons information about smell. I have the muscle, he existe but he is compost just with water. The reason are that I didn't stimulated a lot the muscle. It was a gradual processe and it was envolved with my chronic rhinitis. 

I also made hormones exames to know if it's all ok because sometimes the hormons are envolves with the smells. The exames was ok but I always had problems to have romantic feelings to the other persons and I think that are the reason.

I don't have a lot troubles with the flavour, I'm not able to find all the flavours but I know what i like, if it's sweet or salty and I play a lot of attention in the texture. 

I realy will love to start smelling again but I'm ok with a situation and I think that thing make me special than the other persons. All the people want to know more about it. I love the word anosmic!


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