Arachnoiditis synonyms

What other names are the Arachnoiditis known by? Synonyms and other terms with which Arachnoiditis is known.

Arachnoiditis is also known as...
8 answers
Stenosis, meningitis, failed back syndrome

Posted May 18, 2019 by nancy 2500
AA-ARC spider disease

Posted Dec 10, 2019 by Josh 2600
The typical symptom profile of AA is constant pain with a variety of neurologic manifestations.7,8 Pain intensity may change with movement between sitting, reclining, or standing positions. Persons with AA may achieve comfort while standing or lying down or the situation may be just the opposite, either sitting or lying down may increase pain. In addition to positional pain relief, other symptoms experienced by the majority of AA patients include the sensations of water dripping and/or bugs crawling on the legs. Burning sensation on the bottom of the feet is also common. Some urination difficulty symptoms are usually present. It may involve hesitancy in starting or difficulty stopping (neurogenic bladder). Dribbling between urinations is also common. Many patients complain of blurred vision, headache and dizziness, which are believed to be due to spinal fluid flow obstruction. Spinal canal narrowing as well as clumps and scar tissue present within the spinal canal act as a “dam” obstructing constant fluid flow. Spinal fluid may leak, or more appropriately “seep”, through the arachnoid and dura layers of the spinal canal covering into the soft tissues surrounding the spinal canal. Cerebral spinal fluid is extremely toxic to soft tissue, so considerable pain may develop, and soft tissues including muscles, nerves, and fascia may degenerate, scar and contract after coming in contact with the leaking fluid.

Arachnoiditis, like other brain and spinal cord diseases, can create a systemic or generalized autoimmune disorder with immunodeficiency.21-23 This is believed to occur when inflammatory by-products and/or brain or spinal cord tissue reach the general circulation.22,23 Auto-immune manifestations include arthritis of joints, muscle pain, thyroiditis, and small fiber neuropathies. Some arachnoiditis patients are first diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder such as systemic lupus erythematosus or Hashimoto’s. Some are diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

Since nerve roots of the cauda equina have multiple connections to various internal organs, a variety of symptoms may occur depending upon the anatomical location of the inflamed and entrapped nerve roots.These may include the stomach and intestine including the rectum and anus. Food sensitivity, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, urinary and fecal incontinence, may all occur in different patients. Sex organ, bladder and bowel function may be adversely affected. In severe cases incontinence and impotence may occur. Breathing symptoms, including shortness of breath may occur. Leg and feet impairments are extremely common including foot drops, unsteady gait, and weakness in the legs and feet. Paraparesis is relatively common and even total paralysis from the waist down is known to occur.7,8

Physical Signs
The major physical signs in an AA patient are to be found in the lower extremities and back. Physical signs in the legs include weakness, instability, poor balance, and abnormal reflexes. Pain may occur with extension or stretching of the legs. Paraparesis of the lower legs may occur. AA patients usually have more pain on one side of the body than the other. Consequently, the patient will often tend to favor one side, constantly leaning in a position that lowers their pain. Over time, this attempt to find comfort and relief produces asymmetrical muscle groups in the back with observable areas of muscle hypertrophy and atrophy.8

If paraspinal muscles and soft tissues have been bathed in chronic cerebral spinal fluid seepage, they may scar and contract. Consequently, patients may not be able to fully extend their arms and legs. Chronic cerebral spinal fluid seepage may also cause considerable contraction of the soft tissues between the skin and spine resulting in an indentation of midline, tissue along the lower spine and occasionally discoloration.

Posted Jan 5, 2020 by Jcrandall72 2500
AA is a common abbreviation used for adhesive arachnoiditis. You may also see ARC used as well. Rarely, SA is used for spinal arachnoiditis.

Posted Jan 8, 2020 by Rhonda 1600
Stenosis, meningitis, failed back syndrome, spider disease, AA is a common abbreviation used for adhesive arachnoiditis. You may also see ARC used as well. Rarely, SA is used for spinal arachnoiditis.

Posted Jan 12, 2020 by Staplehurst17 4050
Adhesive arachnoiditis
Chemically induced adhesive arachnoiditis
And the classic failed back syndrome

Posted Jul 9, 2020 by Derek 3000
Adhesive arachnoiditis (worse then arachnoiditis)
Chronic meningitis

Posted Jul 22, 2021 by Vincent 3420

Posted Jan 7, 2022 by Machinetoolmkr 5550

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Stories of Arachnoiditis

Arachnoiditis stories
I had a sporting accident aged 21 years and crushed two discs. Had myleogram and airogram which began the severe Degeneration of nerves in spinal cord. After three surgeries managed for several years although discs kep prolaosing. Then in 1994 other ...
Arachnoiditis stories
I injured my back in 1992. 5 surgeries and 4-5 epidurals later I was diagnosed with AA.  I worked as a nurse for over 35 years and had never heard of Arachnoiditis. Now I am unable to work due to the pain and discomfort,  can't stand sit or walk fo...
Arachnoiditis stories
i went in to get a bulged disc in my back fixed and the dr cut my dura accidentally and didn’t bother to fix it. Lied and tried to hide it. It’s been 6 years now and this curse ruined my life. This disease is true hell on earth and there's is no ...
Arachnoiditis stories
I had a cyst removed on my first back surgery and it helped until I was in a car accident 6 months later. I then started to seek out help for my back pain. About 8 yrs later and a unbelievable amount of injections I had a fusion done in 2013. After t...
Arachnoiditis stories
Adhesive Arachnoiditis for 8 years after epidural steroid injections Spondylolisthesis for 3 years

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