Living with Arteriovenous Malformation AVM. How to live with Arteriovenous Malformation AVM?

Can you be happy living with Arteriovenous Malformation AVM? What do you have to do to be happy with Arteriovenous Malformation AVM? Living with Arteriovenous Malformation AVM can be difficult, but you have to fight to try to be happy. Have a look at things that other people have done to be happy with Arteriovenous Malformation AVM

Living with Arteriovenous Malformation AVM

Living with Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM)

Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) is a condition characterized by abnormal connections between arteries and veins in the body. These tangled blood vessels can occur in various parts of the body, including the brain, spinal cord, and other organs. Living with AVM can present unique challenges, but with proper management and support, individuals can lead fulfilling lives.

1. Seek Medical Guidance

If you have been diagnosed with AVM, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional who specializes in vascular disorders. They can provide you with accurate information about your specific condition, answer your questions, and guide you through the treatment options available.

2. Understand Your Condition

Educate yourself about AVM to better understand its symptoms, potential complications, and treatment options. Knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions about your health and actively participate in your care.

3. Follow Treatment Plans

Depending on the location and severity of your AVM, treatment options may include medication, embolization, radiosurgery, or surgery. It is essential to follow your healthcare provider's recommended treatment plan and attend all scheduled appointments to monitor your condition.

4. Manage Symptoms

AVM symptoms can vary widely, ranging from mild to severe. Common symptoms include headaches, seizures, weakness, numbness, and problems with coordination. Work closely with your healthcare team to develop strategies to manage and alleviate these symptoms, which may involve medication, physical therapy, or other interventions.

5. Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle can positively impact your overall well-being. Maintain a balanced diet, engage in regular exercise as recommended by your healthcare provider, and get sufficient rest. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, as these can worsen the effects of AVM.

6. Build a Support Network

Living with AVM can be emotionally challenging. Surround yourself with a supportive network of family, friends, and healthcare professionals who can provide encouragement, understanding, and assistance when needed. Consider joining support groups or online communities where you can connect with others facing similar challenges.

7. Stay Positive and Manage Stress

Maintaining a positive mindset and effectively managing stress can improve your overall well-being. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as hobbies, meditation, or spending time in nature. Seek professional help if you are struggling with anxiety or depression.

8. Regular Check-ups and Monitoring

Even after treatment, regular check-ups and monitoring are essential to ensure the stability of your AVM. Follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider will help detect any changes or potential complications early on, allowing for timely intervention.


Living with Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) requires proactive management, support, and a positive mindset. By seeking medical guidance, understanding your condition, following treatment plans, managing symptoms, adopting a healthy lifestyle, building a support network, and staying positive, you can navigate the challenges associated with AVM and lead a fulfilling life.

6 answers
My best advise is to never give up and keep looking for other treatment options. I try to live with the mindset that "it could always be so much worse"

Posted Sep 13, 2017 by Jill 2000
It’s a terrible way to live. Pain everyday. I have suffered from depression because of my AVM and not being able to do the things that make me happy.

Posted Nov 2, 2017 by Kelly 1200
You can ABSOLUTELY be happy living with AVM! The main thing I suggest is to:
1. Remain positive
2. Look at the bright side (no matter how bad off you are, someone is always worse off.
3. HELP OTHERS- you’ll be surprised how good it can make you feel to assist others. Everyone is fighting their own battle but we CAN and SHOULD help each other out. Join support groups. Share your story. Reach out to others.
4. Listen to your body- relax when you’re tired. Get out when you feel up to it. Do as much as you can.
5. Try alternative treatments rather than a bunch of medicines. Be open to things like acupuncture, massage, body work, reiki, PRAYER. (Note: this doesn’t mean not to take your prescribed meds... WHEN IN DOUBT, talk to your DOCTORS)
6. Do your own research. Take an active role in your treatment. Know what your options are and research the various options before making decisions. Talk with your family and let them have a say in what you choose, when possible. Own your disease. Come prepared to every doctor’s appointment with QUESTIONS. Ask them all. (Note: I use my smart phone to jot down questions for each specialist. I use NOTES. I insert photos and links to websites that talk about my questions/issues. I don’t leave until my doctor has addressed them all.
7. ** Most important **

Good luck on your personal journey. Today you may be a newly diagnosed AVM sufferer, but someday you’ll be a SURVIVOR.

Posted Nov 3, 2017 by Rhonda 2150
Moderation, you should advise the driving authorities of this condition, and should you have surgery definitely advise the driving authorities. Using enough support when sleeping to keep your head raised at a level higher than your body to ensure the brain blood vessels can drain effectively rather than blood to pool and accumulate, You have a raised risk of TIA and stroke, discuss with your GP whether you should take anything like a low dosage of Aspirin to reduce risks of blood clots. You would be wise to wear a medical alert disc and maintain the data on this, try to avoid stressful situations, but also try and live too.

Posted Jul 5, 2020 by Mary 2500
As normally as possible but in this case as AVM was pressing on the optical cortex this posed orher problems and not least fatigue

Posted Nov 3, 2022 by Heather 5020

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