ICD10 code of Baller-Gerold Syndrome and ICD9 code

What is the ICD10 code for Baller-Gerold Syndrome? And the ICD9 code for Baller-Gerold Syndrome?

ICD9 and ICD10 codes of Baller-Gerold Syndrome

Baller-Gerold Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by craniosynostosis (premature fusion of skull bones) and radial aplasia/hypoplasia (underdevelopment or absence of the radius bone in the forearm). The ICD10 code for Baller-Gerold Syndrome is Q87.1. Unfortunately, there is no specific ICD9 code for this syndrome as ICD9 does not provide a direct equivalent. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis and coding.

Baller-Gerold Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by craniosynostosis (premature fusion of the skull bones) and radial aplasia/hypoplasia (underdevelopment or absence of the radius bone in the forearm). Although I am not a doctor, I can provide some information on the coding system used for medical diagnoses.

In the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10), Baller-Gerold Syndrome is classified under Q87.1, which falls under the category of "Congenital malformation syndromes predominantly affecting facial appearance." This code specifically denotes the syndrome involving craniosynostosis and radial aplasia/hypoplasia.

On the other hand, the ICD-9 code for Baller-Gerold Syndrome would be 756.0, which is classified under "Congenital Anomalies of Skull and Face Bones." It is important to note that the ICD-9 code system has been replaced by ICD-10, which offers a more detailed and comprehensive classification of diseases and disorders.

It is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional or a certified medical coder for accurate and up-to-date coding information. They possess the expertise to assign the appropriate ICD-10 code, ensuring proper documentation and billing for medical services related to Baller-Gerold Syndrome.
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