A Brain Tumor interview , Brain Tumor, Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome.

Wendy's interview

How did all start?

Lip swelling as a teenager - coincided with cold sores Left side Bells Palsy aged 21, 31, 41 and 49 Fissured tongue Numbness in left hand Dec 2016 with neck and shoulder pain MRI scan after last bout of Bell’s Palsy in June 2017 discovered benign meningioma left parietal lobe.

Do you already have a diagnosis? How long did it take you to get it?

Neurologist currently investigating if I have MRS Neurosurgeon monitoring meningioma.

What has been the most useful thing for you so far?

Meningioma UK forum on Facebook and brain tumour trust.

What have been your biggest difficulties?

The shock of diagnosis - took a month to sink in

Interview Brain Tumor

Nov 30, 2017

By: Wendy

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