Question - Celiac Disease


celiac or gluten sensitivity

Asked 8 years ago Adriana 76

 Hello, has been diagnosed with gluten sensivity. He had a lot of intestinal or digestive problesm, pains, irritable colon.... anyway, we expect him to improve after following a extrict diet... the question is ¿what is the difference between celiac andgluten sensitivity?

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Hi, Celiac is when a person is not only sensitive to gluten but as an autoimmune disease it also causes damage to the persons stomach lining and instetines which can lead to more medical problems if a gluten free diet is not followed. 

Celiac disease can be controlled by diet and lifestyle and people can lead a very normal life if they follow this! 


I hope this helps! 



Answered 8 years ago Amy 20

Just as Amy mentioned Celiac's is an auto immune disease that attacks the body when a person eats or takes in gluten with long lasting effects and other illnesses that can come up due to malabsorption and stay for a long time even after the gluten has been passsed, while with gluten sensitivity it can and probably will cause a whole lot of discomfort and you should stay away from gluten products but in general the effects of getting glutened are not as long lasting and will pass when the gluten is removed from the digestive system.

Answered 8 years ago Valentin 36

The difference between Celiac Disease  (CD) and gluten Intolerance (NCGI) which is also called non-celiac gluten Intolerance is in the diagnosis.  A blood test named the ttg test is run when consuming gluten and if the results are high that shoes the body is reacting to gluten.  However what condition it is cannot be determined until the endoscopy test. Still consuming gluten until the endoscopy test, it is very important, it is a scope that goes down the mouth, through the stomach, and takes samples of one's upper intestine where the damage from celiac disease occurs.  These are very, very small samples that are then reat by a pathologist under a microscope to determine if the person has Celiac Disease or not.  If there is no damage to the intestines, then one is diagnosed with non celiac gluten Intolerance.  If there is damage, it is Celiac Disease. 

Celiac Disease requires a strict gluten free diet for life so that further damage to the upper intestines do not occur,and instead they heal.  That healing leads to better absorption of nutrients too, as prior to diagnosis people can be nutrient deficient. If one does not follow a gluten free diet with a CD diagnosis it can lead to developing further autoimune conditions all the way to intestinal cancers.

Non celiac gluten Intolerance also need to follow a gluten free diet to reduce symptoms however this diagnosis does not come with the associated medical condition and cancers development if the diet is not followed as strictly.

I hope this helps clarify the difference between the two medical diagnosis.

Answered 8 years ago L. Neilson 15

gluten sensitivity has symptoms similar to celiac bit its not damaging ur villis neither it is genetic. Its just a sensitivity that occurs after ingesting gluten. Symptoms appears similar.

Answered 8 years ago Nikhil 15

Adriana, boa tarde


Vi que o pessoal já te ajudou! É isso mesmo!

O que temos de estudos na sensibilidade ao Glúten não celíaca, é que a dieta deve ser igual a de um celíaco. Tem médicos que chamam a SGNC de celíaca latente, que ainda não desenvolveu atrofia das vilosidades e os anticorpos ainda não estão ativos, mas, se continuar com o agressor, pode-se desenvolver a celíaca.

Então, a dieta deve ter o mesmo cuidado: livre de glúten e de contaminação.



Answered 8 years ago Fabi 10

Aggiungo che la gluten sensitivity non ha ancora ricevuto ufficialmente riscontro scientifico, dal momento che la diagnosi si basa solo su sintomatologia riferita dal paziente. La gluten sensitivity non modifica i valori ematici e nemmeno dà evidenze a una eventuale gastroscopia, questo dimostra che i suoi effetti sono soprattutto dei sintomi, appunto, ma non reali danni all'organismo.


La grande differenza sta nella dieta: chi soffre di celiachia deve evitare del tutto il glutine mentre chi soffre di gluten sensitivity può tranquillamente non preoccuparsi delle minime quantità di glutine eventualmente ingerite a causa della contaminazione accidentale dei cibi, e può anche "sgarrare" dalla dieta senza troppe preoccupazioni. Al massimo avvertirà dolori e gonfiori addominali ma nulla di più.


È importante ricordare che la gluten sensitivity è una patologia ancora allo studio, pertanto quello che ho scritto vale in funzione di ciò che si sa attualmente.

Answered 8 years ago Cristiana 15
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