Can people with Chordoma work? What kind of work can they perform?

See how people with experience in Chordoma give their opinion about whether people with Chordoma can work and what kind of jobs are more appropriated for people with Chordoma

Chordoma jobs

Chordoma is a rare type of cancer that occurs in the bones of the skull and spine. It typically develops from remnants of the notochord, a structure present during early embryonic development. Chordoma can be challenging to treat and may have a significant impact on a person's daily life, including their ability to work.

Whether individuals with chordoma can work depends on various factors, including the location and extent of the tumor, the treatment received, and the resulting physical and functional limitations. Chordoma can cause symptoms such as pain, difficulty moving, weakness, and neurological deficits, which can affect a person's ability to perform certain tasks.

For individuals with chordoma who are able to work, the type of work they can perform may depend on their specific abilities, limitations, and the accommodations available in their workplace. It is important for individuals with chordoma to communicate with their healthcare team, including their oncologist and rehabilitation specialists, to determine what kind of work is feasible and safe for them.

Some individuals with chordoma may be able to continue working in their current occupation if their symptoms are manageable and their job does not require physically demanding tasks or prolonged periods of sitting or standing. They may need to make certain modifications or accommodations to their work environment, such as ergonomic adjustments, flexible work hours, or reduced workload, to accommodate their needs.

For those unable to continue in their previous occupation, exploring alternative work options may be necessary. This could involve transitioning to a different role within the same company or industry that is better suited to their abilities and limitations. Alternatively, individuals may need to consider a career change that allows for more flexibility and accommodates their physical limitations.

Some individuals with chordoma may find employment opportunities in fields that involve less physical exertion, such as administrative work, customer service, writing, research, or consulting. These types of jobs often provide more flexibility in terms of work hours and physical demands, allowing individuals to better manage their symptoms and treatment schedules.

It is crucial for individuals with chordoma to prioritize their health and well-being while considering employment options. They should work closely with their healthcare team to understand their limitations, manage symptoms, and develop strategies to balance work and treatment. Additionally, seeking support from organizations that specialize in assisting individuals with disabilities or chronic illnesses can provide valuable resources and guidance in navigating the workplace.

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Stories of Chordoma

Chordoma stories
Initially diagnosed at age 16. Diagnosis was precipitated by onset of double vision shortly after a snowboarding trip. Full resection with wide margins done by the fantastic team at Vancouver General Hospital, followed by proton beam radiation in Lom...
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My wife suffered sacral chordoma at 33 yrs and was operated at Massachusetts General Hospital. Since then she is battling the pains of the construct placed at the bottom of her spine.
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