Living with Chronic Granulomatous Disease. How to live with Chronic Granulomatous Disease?

Can you be happy living with Chronic Granulomatous Disease? What do you have to do to be happy with Chronic Granulomatous Disease? Living with Chronic Granulomatous Disease can be difficult, but you have to fight to try to be happy. Have a look at things that other people have done to be happy with Chronic Granulomatous Disease

Living with Chronic Granulomatous Disease

Living with Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD)

Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD) is a rare genetic disorder that affects the immune system, specifically the ability of white blood cells to fight off certain types of bacterial and fungal infections. Living with CGD can present unique challenges, but with proper management and support, individuals with CGD can lead fulfilling lives.

1. Education and Awareness:

Understanding CGD is crucial for both the affected individual and their loved ones. Educate yourself about the disease, its symptoms, and treatment options. Stay updated with the latest research and advancements in CGD management. Raise awareness about CGD within your community to foster understanding and support.

2. Regular Medical Care:

Regular medical care is essential for individuals with CGD. Establish a strong relationship with a knowledgeable immunologist or primary care physician experienced in treating CGD. Regular check-ups, vaccinations, and screenings can help monitor your health and prevent complications.

3. Infection Prevention:

Since CGD weakens the immune system, preventing infections is crucial. Practice good hygiene by washing hands frequently with soap and water. Avoid close contact with individuals who have contagious illnesses. Maintain a clean living environment and follow food safety guidelines to minimize the risk of infections.

4. Immunoglobulin Replacement Therapy:

Many individuals with CGD benefit from immunoglobulin replacement therapy. This involves receiving regular infusions of immunoglobulins to boost the immune system and prevent infections. Work closely with your healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dosage and frequency for your specific needs.

5. Antibiotic Prophylaxis:

In some cases, antibiotic prophylaxis may be prescribed to prevent certain types of infections. Follow your healthcare provider's instructions regarding the use of antibiotics. It is important to complete the full course of antibiotics as prescribed.

6. Emotional Support:

Living with a chronic illness can be emotionally challenging. Seek emotional support from friends, family, or support groups who understand your journey. Sharing experiences, concerns, and coping strategies can provide comfort and help you navigate the emotional aspects of living with CGD.

7. Healthy Lifestyle:

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can support overall well-being. Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Engage in regular physical activity, as permitted by your healthcare provider. Get enough sleep and manage stress through relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga.

8. Stay Informed:

Stay informed about new research, treatment options, and clinical trials related to CGD. Participating in clinical trials may provide access to innovative therapies and contribute to advancing the understanding of CGD.


Living with Chronic Granulomatous Disease requires proactive management, education, and support. By taking necessary precautions, following medical advice, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, individuals with CGD can lead fulfilling lives while minimizing the impact of the disease.

3 answers
You have to be careful to not be exposed to certain bacteria or fungi like avoid swimming in lakes, rivers, oceans as they have living bacteria and such. Chlorinated pools are ok.
Also you should not work with be around digging, potting plants, using wood chips rotting mulch and things that can cause great harm to your bodu.

Posted Dec 14, 2017 by Janet Verdoorn 1550
See your doctor regularly.

Posted Dec 24, 2017 by carrie123 3550

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Stories of Chronic Granulomatous Disease

Chronic Granulomatous Disease stories
It all started with a hole in my eardrum. I kept having bad headaches so I decided to fix the hole in my eardrum. I had the hole repaired and had a second surgery to remove a tumor that had developed. The tumor crushed my eardrum and I had to have a ...
Chronic Granulomatous Disease stories
In March of 2015, one of my twin daughters(2.5yrs old) was in hospital with bacterial pneumonia for the second time. It wasnt improving every time they took her off IV antibiotics so they started doing tests. One of the tests was for CGD. The doctor ...
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Had a ultrasound and ctscan of my abdominal area and they found masses in my spleen and liver and so my Dr confirmed cgd and I'm slowly having them removed well the ones they can
Chronic Granulomatous Disease stories
I don't know anything about this disease yet. Just that I have it.

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