Question - Crohn's disease


Pain in the fingers and hands

Asked 7 years ago Sarah 298

Lately my hands and fingers hurt a lot, specially in the morning. Does it happen to anybody else? Can it be related with Crohn's Disease?

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My knee have started to give me pain (not pain but I can not step on it normally). Not sure it is related to Crohns or remicade.

Answered 7 years ago Janek Kapper 11

It may be arthritis associated with Crohn's, it is good to visit a rheumatologist

Answered 7 years ago Leca 14

Vous devez voir un rhumatologUe car seul lui pourra repondre. mais j'ai aussi ces douleurs

Answered 7 years ago Vanessa 2776

Hi there! I have Colitis and have been on Lialda for the past three years, sometimes my knuckles and knees hurt in the morning time. Im not sure why I havent mentioned it to my GI yet I always forget. 

Answered 7 years ago Christina 11

I get the same pains on my joints - hands, elbows, hips, knees. When I told my GI she said that it is associated with IBD - Crohns and Colitis. As a matter of fact she had said that any people get these symptoms first, and end up going to a rhumathologist first for treatment for arthritis, only for the IBD to appear later in life. So what happened is that the patient never had arthritis, but IBD.

Answered 7 years ago Russell 11
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