A CRPS Complex Regional Pain Syndrome interview .

Jandeen's interview

How did all start?

I fell. Off a ladder in the garage and thought I broke my tail bone. But after a few weeks I couldn't walk the pain grew so great that I couldn't think or speak just curled up in a ball and cried. When I finally went to the ER they scheduled me for emergency surgery because I had ruptured and herniated my discs in the lower back and pieces were wedged against my spinal cord. The became 5 surgeries, a spinal cord stimulator and five years to get a diagnosis for all this pain and sensitivity. I have went from having it in my.left leg and food to both legs my.back and the nerve by my heart

Do you already have a diagnosis? How long did it take you to get it?

It took 5 years to be diagnosed.

For what medical specialties have you been treated? What has been the most useful specialty for your?

Neurologists helped diagnose, my tmj is beyond help and some pain specialists are more helpful than others.

What has been the most useful thing for you so far?

Finding medications to help me function some

What have been your biggest difficulties?

Losing my independence, I was vert active and my favorite thing was walking. I did it to help figure out problems or deal with stress and now I have a cane, a walker and a wheelchair

How has your social and family environment reacted? Have your social or family relationships changed?

My husband and kids and I have grown closer. I don't share as much with friends and neighbors. Pride I imagine

What things have you stopped doing?

Most things. I can't walk well even with pain.meds the pain is still high. I struggle even being up to cook.

What do you think about the future?

I have learned to take things a day at a time I try to find a positive everyday. No.matter how bad it is you can find something good in it

So far, which years have been the best years in your life? What have you done during them?

Probably 25 to my 40s I loved life, my family, I served in.my.church played sports and was involved in.my community. I helped with kids in shelter care and loved sports

What would you like to do if you didn’t have your condition?

EVERYTHING. Run, play sports, clean my.house correctly.

If you had to describe your life in a sentence, what would it be?

Trial of faith, no matter what happens it's how we handle it that counts

Finally, what advice would you give to a person in a similar situation?

Don't give up. Remember that you are still you and get a support group

Nov 20, 2017

By: Jandeen

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