Question - CRPS Complex Regional Pain Syndrome


CRPS and open sores on affected limb

Asked 6 years ago Tammy 142

Hi, hope this is the place to ask questions like this. I have had these bleeding sores that seem to not go completely away and keep reopening on my arm that has the CRPS. The doctors are clueless and on workmans comp, also my state is very tough on drugs I do not have a pain management in place. I have a sensitivity to lidocain so no blocks. I have tried gabapentin, lyrica and cymbalta and they did not work. The pain is hard enough lots of 20 to 35 pain scale days with out the added ulcers? My question is how do I get them to fully heal and I have completly exhausted most over the counter pain meds (tylenol,aleve,advil, ect...) what else can i try? Also creams are to painful.

Thank you 

8 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

I get soomething kind of similar. Either say an nick cut hole etc, seemingly from an unknown source or reason. These are in bad areas right where my leg meets the butt in that fold so it is always being reopened. I also get boil/abcess type wounds that either scar or repeatedly reform

Answered 6 years ago Don Adelman 11

I get little red bumps, almost like hives, that swell up and sometimes bleed if I scratch at them. Lidocaine didn't work for me either. I've tried almost every other over the counter cream as well. The only thing that keeps them at bay is cannabis cream--topical like a very thin cream, not a paste. Almost the consistency of a face mask. I also cover my affected arms with an undergarment type long sleeve shirt or long gloves. Good luck!

Answered 6 years ago Sarah 21

Yeah they are in the CPRS area and the ones in the folds of the skin are super painful. Not sure why they pretend to scab then reopen. Just another puzzle to be solved. Sorry you have them as well and hopefully a solution is found. 

Answered 6 years ago Tammy 142

thats great you found something that helps. I have put off cannabis since my job will fire me if I use anything like that. But at this point I think my health is more important. Creams are very difficult but i'll try it, i'll let you know if it helps.

thank you 

Answered 6 years ago Tammy 142

I have a particularly annoying one that stays irritated on my knee. It will almost heal and then open right back up. The thing that works best for me is colloidal silver. It keeps it disinfected and helps it scan. Make sure it is from a reputable manufacturer. 

Answered 6 years ago CTot1014 220

Colloidal silver and I don't get along but it is great stuff.

Thank you 

Answered 6 years ago Tammy 142

Pure manukau honey pasted onto the wound 3 x a day . 

Also include organic turmeric , cinnamon and chai seeds into your diet.Eat the kinds of food that reduce pain and flare ups . It helps to drop a few kilos as well.

i have CRPS and have gone on a recent health vacation - No Stress and have come off my anti depressants, Sertraline , tramadol , codeine ,Ibrufen and an anti anxiety pill. , it’s been over a period of two weeks and although I am still on Gabepentin, I feel that the holistic experience to date has been good for me. 

‘Bless you all and keep stress to a minimal.

on YouTube , I am utilising subconscious meditation to sleep and to focus - once again, it has been working for me.




Answered 6 years ago [email protected] 5060

Thank you for replying and all the info 

Answered 6 years ago Tammy 142
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