my Life With CRPS

Dec 2, 2

By: Colleen

 I had sugery on my knee back 1975, which was going to stop me from falling over & causing more broken bones etc. I haven't  stopped  falling over the pain intesified, when i was about 23 i went to a pain management clinic in the city after about a year they have me a specialist i could see, who fixes other surgeons blunders, it was him who sent me to be tested for RSD as it was known back then. I got the results back & confirmation that it was in fact RSD. But the downside to that was because it was undiagnosed for 10 years my whole nervous system was shot so i pretty much have CRPS in my whole body now. It took me about 20 years to finally meet someone else who had this disease up until then i thought i was just a freak because  i had been treated like one for so long,now i have met so many who suffer with this & still the medical proffession struggle with the disease as much as the parient, now the youngest sufferer is only eight years old & i feel for the little guy so much, knowing what he's  going through, at least i was older when i got it easier for me to deal with (sort of) now he not only has support from his loving  family he has so many on facebook etc. Pity that wasn't  abailable to me back then, so thank goodness it is now, we just need a cure for everyone who suffers from this horrible disease! Gentle hugs to all who are going through this right now xoxo

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