Story about Cyclic vomiting syndrome .

My story

Feb 4, 2016

It took me until I was 36 to find out about CVS. It wasn't a Dr who told me it was changr a Wilson from greys anatomy. .. I heard her story about her daughter and tears came to my eyes. It was my story. I thought I was crazy and dying with a horrible ailment that noone could find. Short and to the point. I wake up and in less than five minutes I'm wretching. Nothing warns me until I'm in its grasp. I require trips to the hospital 97% of the time. I am fortunate enough to have remissions where the vomiting stops... as the years have gone by my energy level has been severely effected by cvs. I don't ever feel like I used to. I joined and started a support group on Facebook and I started to feel not so alone. I posted videos on YouTube of daily struggles from my own life to help raise awareness. Many people have contacted me and have been guided into the support group family online. If we can help every person who has this to find a place where they don't feel alone anymore then our suffering is not in vain. Besides the episodes the feeling of being alone and scared with some awful illness can be hell all in itself. 

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