Question - Diabetes


A1C test diabetes

Asked 7 years ago Teresa 10

A1C test positive (6.7) means to be diabetic Type 2? Hello everybody here… During a regular test made in at my job they made me this test and the doctor told me I am diabetic. It sounds weird to me... I practice lot of sports and I also follow a good diet. What is diabetes all about? =(

3 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

Sadly yes. 6,7 is too high (average your sugar levels will be around 10 (?) normal is 4,5) .. Good diet and sporting is a good preventation for diabetes type II, but sadly even healthy people can be affected. You will have to go to specilased doctor (not sure where u live) and he will tell you the best "solution". Probably some pills and I know you say that you do good diet, but a lot of people are underestimating they re "sugar" input. 

Answered 7 years ago Mirek 10

Have you been tested for type 1? It can also mean type 1. 

Answered 7 years ago Julia Blanchette 10

A1C of 6.7 is closer to 8.1 (not as high as 10) but still out of range for a "non diabetic" 


defintely ask your family doctor to refer you to an endocrinologist if they haven't already  


Answered 7 years ago Phil Faibish 12
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