Can people with Dyslexia work? What kind of work can they perform?

See how people with experience in Dyslexia give their opinion about whether people with Dyslexia can work and what kind of jobs are more appropriated for people with Dyslexia

Dyslexia jobs

Can people with Dyslexia work?

Yes, people with dyslexia can absolutely work and excel in various fields. Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects a person's ability to read, write, and spell. However, it does not impact their intelligence or their potential to succeed in the workplace. With the right support, accommodations, and understanding from employers and colleagues, individuals with dyslexia can thrive in their chosen careers.

What kind of work can they perform?

People with dyslexia have a wide range of skills and abilities that make them well-suited for various types of work. While dyslexia may present challenges in certain areas, it often comes with strengths that can be advantageous in specific roles. Some potential career paths for individuals with dyslexia include:

1. Creative Fields:

Art and Design: Many individuals with dyslexia have strong visual-spatial skills and a unique perspective, making them excellent artists, graphic designers, or photographers.

Music and Performing Arts: Dyslexia is often associated with enhanced creativity and musical abilities. Many successful musicians, actors, and performers have dyslexia.

Writing and Journalism: Despite the challenges with spelling and grammar, dyslexic individuals can excel in writing and journalism due to their creativity, unique perspectives, and storytelling abilities.

2. Entrepreneurship:

Entrepreneurship: Dyslexic individuals often possess strong problem-solving skills, creativity, and out-of-the-box thinking, which are valuable traits for starting and running a business. Many successful entrepreneurs, such as Richard Branson and Ingvar Kamprad, have dyslexia.

3. Science and Technology:

Engineering and Architecture: Dyslexic individuals often have excellent spatial reasoning skills, making them well-suited for careers in engineering, architecture, and design.

Computer Science and Programming: Dyslexia can be advantageous in the field of computer science, as individuals with dyslexia often excel in problem-solving, logical thinking, and pattern recognition.

Research and Innovation: Dyslexic individuals often possess a unique ability to think outside the box, making them valuable contributors to scientific research and innovation.

4. People-Oriented Professions:

Teaching and Education: Many individuals with dyslexia are passionate about helping others and can make excellent teachers, especially in special education or dyslexia-specific programs.

Therapy and Counseling: Dyslexic individuals often have a deep understanding of the challenges associated with learning disabilities, making them empathetic and effective therapists or counselors.

Social Work and Advocacy: Dyslexic individuals can use their personal experiences to advocate for the rights and support of individuals with dyslexia and other learning disabilities.

5. Skilled Trades:

Craftsmanship: Dyslexic individuals often have excellent hands-on skills and attention to detail, making them well-suited for careers in carpentry, plumbing, electrical work, or other skilled trades.


People with dyslexia can work and excel in a wide range of professions. While dyslexia may present challenges in certain areas, individuals with dyslexia often possess unique strengths that can be advantageous in specific careers. With the right support, accommodations, and understanding, individuals with dyslexia can thrive and make valuable contributions in their chosen fields.

2 answers
Translated from spanish Improve translation
Of course they can work! The work is a way of showing that if you can, in addition to being rewarding and to feel useful. A person with dyslexia or any other disease or disability can work. The work is dignified.

Posted Mar 3, 2017 by Ale 400

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