Story about Familial Adenomatous Polyposis .


Aug 9, 2017

By: aecwolf4

Hi.  In May 2011, after a 10 day stay at a local hospital that started on Mother's Day where it was first thought that I had an appendicitis I went home with the results of a scope that found cancer in my decending colon and waiting for the result of further studies.  Within the next few days, it was reported that I had thousands of polyps in my large colon and Stage 3 Colon Cancer that required almost immediate surgery.  During the next few weeks and visits with my colon surgeon and oncologist I was informed that on June 25th I would have my colon removed with an IRA and start 6 months of chemo on August 1st.  Sometime in August I was also genetically tested that confirmed FAP.

Following that information, my kids (12 and 15) were both scoped and genetically tested.  The scopes fortunately found no polyps AND for Christmas 2011 we received a call that the genetic testing was negative for both of them!!  :)

In 2014 after an annual scan, my doctors confirmed stage 3 cancer in my liver as a result of the colon cancer and for my 50th birthday I celebrated in the hospital with a Liver resection.  After surgery, I again went through 6 months of chemo.

I worked through the entire ordeal returning to traveling as a consultant as soon as possible and trying to get life back to normal. Now, I am at a point of getting scopes (upper and lower) every 6 months to keep the polyps at bay - but life is good!!  I have found my new normal (as we all understand), found out who my true friends are, become very involved in Relay for Life in my community as the Survivor/Caregiver Team Lead, and laugh/smile as often as possible.

If you would like to know more, share your stories, discuss anything if you are new or existing FAP-er please don't hesitate to contact me.

Prayers and happy thoughts!

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