Story about Fibromyalgia .

Struggling with fibro

Jun 13, 2019

By: Mickie

Sometimes I am just so tired of being tired all the time, I have so many aches and pains I feel a hundred years old. Other times I feel normal, then it’s an art not to over do it, basically I don’t work, I live with my husband, three grown up kids and my baby granddaughter, I do most of the cooking, cleaning, shopping, and quite frankly it’s as much as I can manage,. My family help with the heavier things like vacuuming or lifting heavy pans or doing the big shopping. I struggle with feelings of guilt , I feel I should be able to do more, I feel like a burden as I can’t contribute financially to the housekeeping, or being too tired to clean everything as well it should be done. My memory is atrocious and I’m often confused, I often think about Death and Hope I won’t have to wait too long, but generally I try to be cheerful, enjoy the little things in life and make our house a welcoming home for my family.

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