Can people with Fibrosing Mediastinitis work? What kind of work can they perform?

See how people with experience in Fibrosing Mediastinitis give their opinion about whether people with Fibrosing Mediastinitis can work and what kind of jobs are more appropriated for people with Fibrosing Mediastinitis

Fibrosing Mediastinitis jobs

Fibrosing Mediastinitis and Work

Fibrosing mediastinitis is a rare condition characterized by the excessive growth of fibrous tissue in the mediastinum, the central compartment of the chest that contains vital organs such as the heart, lungs, and major blood vessels. This abnormal tissue growth can lead to compression and obstruction of these structures, causing a range of symptoms and complications.

Given the potential impact of fibrosing mediastinitis on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, individuals with this condition may face challenges in the workplace. The ability to work largely depends on the severity of the disease, the specific symptoms experienced, and the individual's overall health and functional capacity.

Work Considerations

It is important for individuals with fibrosing mediastinitis to consult with their healthcare team, including physicians and occupational therapists, to assess their ability to work and determine any necessary accommodations. The following factors should be taken into account:

  • Symptom Management: Fibrosing mediastinitis can cause a range of symptoms, including shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, and fatigue. The severity and frequency of these symptoms can vary among individuals. Effective symptom management through medication, lifestyle modifications, and other interventions can significantly improve an individual's ability to work.

  • Functional Capacity: The impact of fibrosing mediastinitis on an individual's functional capacity should be evaluated. This may involve assessing their ability to perform physical tasks, such as lifting, carrying, or prolonged standing. If limitations are identified, modifications or adjustments to work tasks or environments may be necessary.

  • Work Environment: The nature of the work environment can also influence an individual's ability to work with fibrosing mediastinitis. Jobs that involve exposure to respiratory irritants, physical exertion, or extreme temperatures may be more challenging for individuals with compromised respiratory or cardiovascular function. In such cases, alternative work arrangements or job modifications may be considered.

  • Medical Treatment: The treatment plan for fibrosing mediastinitis, which may include medications, interventions to manage symptoms, and regular monitoring, should be taken into account when assessing an individual's ability to work. The side effects of medications or the need for frequent medical appointments may impact work schedules and productivity.

Possible Work Options

While the ability to work may vary depending on the individual's specific circumstances, there are several potential work options that individuals with fibrosing mediastinitis may consider:

  • Sedentary or Desk Jobs: Individuals with fibrosing mediastinitis who experience minimal physical limitations may be able to perform sedentary or desk jobs. These types of jobs involve tasks that can be completed while seated, such as administrative work, data entry, customer service, or writing. However, it is important to ensure that the work environment is conducive to managing symptoms and that regular breaks are provided if needed.

  • Remote or Telecommuting Positions: Remote work or telecommuting can be a viable option for individuals with fibrosing mediastinitis, especially if their symptoms fluctuate or if they require flexibility in managing their condition. This allows individuals to work from home or a location of their choice, reducing the need for physical exertion or exposure to potentially challenging work environments.

  • Flexible Work Arrangements: Some individuals with fibrosing mediastinitis may benefit from flexible work arrangements, such as part-time schedules, reduced hours, or modified duties. This can help accommodate their medical appointments, treatment schedules, and the need for rest periods. Open communication with employers and supervisors is crucial to explore and negotiate these arrangements.

  • Workplace Accommodations: Depending on the specific limitations and symptoms experienced, workplace accommodations may be necessary to enable individuals with fibrosing mediastinitis to perform their job effectively. These accommodations can include ergonomic modifications, adjustments to workstations, flexible break schedules, or the provision of assistive devices.


While fibrosing mediastinitis can present challenges in the workplace, many individuals with this condition are able to continue working with appropriate accommodations and support. The ability to work will depend on the severity of the disease, the individual's overall health, and the specific job requirements. It is essential for individuals with fibrosing mediastinitis to work closely with their healthcare team and employers to assess their functional capacity, explore suitable work options, and implement necessary accommodations to ensure a safe and productive work environment.

3 answers
Yes you can. I find easier to have short breaks where you are not constantly on the go.

Posted Oct 7, 2017 by Valerie 300
Depends on the severity of the symptoms. Not everyone has the same symptoms of the disease so it could limit their ability to work.

Posted Mar 17, 2018 by Sharon 4460

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Stories of Fibrosing Mediastinitis

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I have been living with this disease for nearly 12 years. I have 7 stents in my super vena cava (SVC) I started out getting 3 then after some more symptoms came back I have gotten 4 more. I see Dr Doyle and Dr Loyd at Vanderbilt in Nashville TN When...
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Histoplasmosis infection circa 1983. 16 years old. 50 now. Very painful disease. Pulmonary hypertension. Enlarged heart. Limited in cardiovascular abilities extremely. I had a pulmonary shunt with my left Pulmonary vein in 1997(moved the posi...

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