Story about Fluoroquinolone Toxicity , Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E..

Fluoroquinolone induced mitochondrial dysfunction and CFS/ME

Jan 27, 2017

By: David

Hi, my name is David.  In 2007 I was your normal 46 year old middle age man in excellent health. I exercised daily and ate healthy.  After a suspected infection I was given a large dose of the antibiotic Levaquin that my doctor told me was safe and well tolerated.  Well it was not safe and I did not tolerate it well.  I had a delayed adverse event to the fluoroquinolone (FQ) antibiotic and developed chronic health conditions. After I researched these drugs, I found out that this class of antibiotics have a very dark side.  A dark side side experienced by many other people, some figuring it out, and many others remain clueless to what has befallen them. I am an amateur researcher, research participant and blogger. 

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