How do I know if I have Gastroparesis?

What signs or symptoms may make you suspect you may have Gastroparesis. People who have experience in Gastroparesis offer advice of what things may make you suspicious and which doctor you should go to to receive treatment

Do I have Gastroparesis?

How do I know if I have Gastroparesis?

Gastroparesis is a condition that affects the normal movement of the muscles in your stomach, causing delayed emptying of food into the small intestine. It can lead to various symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bloating, and feeling full quickly. If you suspect you may have gastroparesis, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis. While I am not a doctor, I can provide you with some general information on how gastroparesis is diagnosed.

Medical History and Symptoms

When you visit a healthcare professional, they will typically start by taking your medical history and asking about your symptoms. It is important to provide detailed information about the duration and severity of your symptoms, as well as any factors that may worsen or alleviate them. Symptoms commonly associated with gastroparesis include:

  • Nausea and vomiting: You may experience frequent or recurrent episodes of nausea and vomiting, especially after eating.

  • Feeling full quickly: You may feel full after consuming only a small amount of food, which can lead to reduced appetite and unintentional weight loss.

  • Bloating and abdominal discomfort: Gastroparesis can cause bloating, abdominal pain, and discomfort.

  • Heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux: Some individuals with gastroparesis may experience acid reflux or heartburn.

Physical Examination

During a physical examination, your healthcare professional may examine your abdomen for any signs of tenderness or bloating. They may also listen to your abdomen using a stethoscope to detect abnormal bowel sounds, which can be indicative of gastroparesis.

Diagnostic Tests

To confirm a diagnosis of gastroparesis, your healthcare professional may order certain tests, including:

  • Gastric emptying study: This is one of the most common tests for gastroparesis. You will be asked to eat a meal containing a small amount of radioactive material, which can be tracked using a special camera. The camera takes images of your stomach over several hours to determine the rate at which your stomach empties.

  • Upper endoscopy: In this procedure, a thin, flexible tube with a camera on the end (endoscope) is inserted through your mouth and into your stomach. It allows the doctor to visually examine the lining of your stomach and rule out other possible causes of your symptoms.

  • Gastric manometry: This test measures the electrical and muscular activity of your stomach. It involves the insertion of a thin tube through your nose and into your stomach to assess the coordination and strength of the muscle contractions.

  • Blood tests: Blood tests may be conducted to check for any underlying conditions that could be contributing to your symptoms.

It is important to note that the specific diagnostic process may vary depending on your healthcare provider and individual circumstances. Therefore, it is crucial to consult with a medical professional for an accurate diagnosis.


If you suspect you may have gastroparesis, it is essential to seek medical advice. A healthcare professional will evaluate your symptoms, conduct a physical examination, and may order specific diagnostic tests to confirm the diagnosis. Remember, only a qualified healthcare provider can provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

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I was diagnosed with GP in 2011 but was not helped for 4 months and it landed me in the hospital for 3 months until finally I was put on TPN and Got a feeding tube. I am now on TPN through a port. Which gives me so much more energy. I have severe Gas...
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in a nutshell, I've had GP for three years. I've lost heaps of weight. Been tube fed now over 2.5 years with various nj, j and pegs. Many problems with all of them and my first J nearly killed me perforating the bowel and turning me septic. Suffer fr...
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I have gastroparesis, pelvic floor dysmotility, and chronic intestinal pseudo obstruction disorders. I have an ostomy, a g tube for decompression, and a j tube for nutrition. I love fashion, ballet, yoga, and running! I also love my family, hot tea, ...
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I was diagnosed with Gastroparesis 2 years ago after having a year of pain and test after test. They decided my gallbladder wasn't working they removed it and things got worse. I am no appetite. I could go days without eating anything or maybe a few ...
Gastroparesis stories
Nicola, Aged 6yo. Had since birth. Jejunostomy tube feed. 

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