Which are the causes of Gastroschisis?

See some of the causes of Gastroschisis according to people who have experience in Gastroschisis

Gastroschisis causes

Gastroschisis is a rare congenital birth defect that affects the abdominal wall of a developing fetus. It occurs when the muscles and skin in the baby's abdominal wall do not form properly during early pregnancy. As a result, the intestines and sometimes other organs protrude outside the body through a hole near the belly button. This condition requires immediate medical attention and surgical intervention after birth.

The exact cause of gastroschisis is not yet fully understood, but several factors have been identified as potential contributors:

  1. Genetic Factors: Research suggests that there may be a genetic component to gastroschisis. Studies have shown that the risk of having a baby with gastroschisis is slightly higher if a close family member, such as a sibling or parent, has had the condition.

  2. Environmental Factors: Certain environmental factors have been associated with an increased risk of gastroschisis. These include young maternal age (under 20), tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, and illicit drug use during pregnancy. Exposure to certain medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and some antidepressants, may also play a role.

  3. Maternal Factors: Some maternal health conditions and behaviors have been linked to an increased risk of gastroschisis. These include pre-existing diabetes, obesity, poor nutrition, and inadequate prenatal care. Maternal exposure to infections, particularly sexually transmitted infections, may also contribute to the development of gastroschisis.

  4. Placental Factors: The placenta plays a crucial role in supplying nutrients and oxygen to the developing fetus. Any disruption in its function can potentially affect fetal development. Some studies have suggested that abnormalities in the placenta, such as reduced blood flow or insufficient nutrient transfer, may be associated with an increased risk of gastroschisis.

It is important to note that gastroschisis is a complex condition, and it is likely that a combination of genetic and environmental factors contribute to its development. However, further research is needed to fully understand the underlying causes and mechanisms involved.

5 answers
As of now there is no known cause for Gastroschisis, however the CDC recently released some of what could have caused this birth defect.

Posted Aug 9, 2017 by Cassandra 1200
The cause of gastroschisis is completely unknown, there are theories but nothing is proven to cause the defect.

Posted Aug 10, 2017 by Catharine 600
Unknown at this time. I noticed its more common in young smoking moms. Like teenage moms.

Posted Nov 2, 2017 by Jazmin 2000
I never smoked. I didn't drink. I was young My baby had the worst case the surgeon ever saw. He's now 26 years old. Doing wonderful!!

Posted Feb 28, 2018 by Margaret 100

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Stories of Gastroschisis

Gastroschisis stories
I'm 25 years old and was born with Gastroschisis, it's been a long road.. I have two beautiful healthy boys that doctors told me I wouldn't be able to have. 
Gastroschisis stories
I'l a 30 year old mom of 2 children. My second daughter was born in 2015 with gastroschisis. She was born at 35weeks and 6 says. After the birth she went into surgery, full closure of the tummy. No difficults and now a busy toddler!
Gastroschisis stories
My daughter Leona was born september 2012. We were 30 weeks and gastroshisis was diagnosed by ultrasound. Till that day, my pregnancy was normal. She was 910g and 37cm. She had 3 surgery. We spend 6 months on NICU. 
Gastroschisis stories
My daughter Cambrie was born with Gastroschisis. We found out at a 20 week ultrasound. She was born at 31 weeks on December 6, 2015. We are lucky she was because her bowels had twisted and had started to cut off blood supply. She spent 3 months in th...
Gastroschisis stories
Found out my son had severe gastroschisis with everything outside of his body (bladder, liver, small and large intestines, etc). He was born at 30 weeks 6 days due to IUGR. He is currently in the NICU now and will have a long fight but we are optimis...

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