Story about Glycogen Storage Disease .


Jul 19, 2017

My daughter Farah (4years) diagnosed as Fanconi Bickel syndrome (FBS) patient. GSD XI. it is a very rare disease. Signs and Symptoms for FSB Abdominal distention, Chronic acidosis, Failure to thrive, Generalized aminoaciduria, Glycosuria, Hyperphosphaturia, Hypokalemia, Hypophosphatemia.

As per the doctor who is following Farah case, Farah has to be under special health care in this stage of life. There is no treatment for her case till this moment but she needs healthcare all over the time. Now Farah can speak, hear, play, walk, run and fun. The main physical problem she is starting suffer from Osteoporosis. This will be ended by rickets if not controlled.

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