Is it easy to find a partner and/or maintain relationship when you have Graves disease?

People with experience in Graves disease give their opinion on whether it is easy or not to have a partner or to maintain a realationship when you are diagnosed of Graves disease. What are the possible difficulties in having a relationship?

Couple and Graves disease

Is it easy to find a partner and/or maintain a relationship when you have Graves' disease?

Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid gland, resulting in the overproduction of thyroid hormones. This condition can have various physical and emotional effects on individuals, which may impact their ability to find and maintain a romantic relationship. However, it is important to note that the impact of Graves' disease on relationships can vary greatly from person to person.

Challenges in finding a partner:

When it comes to finding a partner, individuals with Graves' disease may face certain challenges. The symptoms of Graves' disease, such as weight loss, fatigue, irritability, and anxiety, can affect a person's self-esteem and confidence. These physical and emotional changes may make it more difficult for individuals to put themselves out there and engage in social activities where they can meet potential partners.

Additionally, the unpredictable nature of Graves' disease symptoms can make it challenging to plan and commit to social events or dates. This can lead to frustration and disappointment for both the individual with Graves' disease and their potential partner.

Impact on maintaining a relationship:

Once in a relationship, individuals with Graves' disease may face additional challenges in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling partnership. The symptoms of Graves' disease can fluctuate, leading to periods of increased fatigue, mood swings, and irritability. These symptoms can strain communication and emotional intimacy within the relationship.

Furthermore, the treatment for Graves' disease, such as medication or radioactive iodine therapy, can also have side effects that impact the individual's energy levels, mood, and overall well-being. These side effects may require understanding and support from the partner.

Strategies for finding and maintaining a relationship:

While Graves' disease may present challenges, it is important to remember that many individuals with this condition have successful and fulfilling relationships. Here are some strategies that can help:

1. Self-care: Prioritize self-care and manage your symptoms effectively. This may involve following a healthy lifestyle, taking prescribed medications, attending regular medical check-ups, and seeking therapy or counseling if needed. By taking care of yourself, you can improve your overall well-being and increase your confidence.

2. Communication: Open and honest communication with your partner is crucial. Educate them about Graves' disease, its symptoms, and how it may affect your relationship. Discuss your needs, limitations, and any adjustments that may be required. Encourage your partner to ask questions and express their concerns.

3. Support system: Build a strong support system that includes your partner, family, friends, and healthcare professionals. Having a network of people who understand and support you can make a significant difference in managing the challenges of Graves' disease.

4. Empathy and understanding: Both partners should practice empathy and understanding. The partner without Graves' disease should try to empathize with the physical and emotional challenges their loved one may face. The partner with Graves' disease should also be understanding of the impact their symptoms may have on the relationship and actively communicate their needs.

5. Seek professional help: If needed, consider seeking professional help from therapists or support groups specializing in chronic illnesses or autoimmune disorders. They can provide guidance, coping strategies, and a safe space to discuss relationship challenges.


While Graves' disease may present certain challenges in finding and maintaining a romantic relationship, it is important to remember that with understanding, communication, and support, individuals with this condition can have successful and fulfilling partnerships. By prioritizing self-care, building a strong support system, and fostering open communication, individuals with Graves' disease can navigate the complexities of relationships and find love and happiness.

2 answers
Each relationship is different: there have some that gotten closer and some that have crumbled. Although I have not been in one personally, but if I want to give advice to people, I would say please have someone who is supportive when you are having one of those days where you are all over the place.

Posted Dec 19, 2019 by Emma 3770

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