Story about HELLP Syndrome .

My Miracle and Me : Surviving Severe Preeclampsia and HELLP Syndrome

May 21, 2017

By: Sara

Two years ago, on April 2, 2015 at midnight I walked into the ER with major belching and discomfort in my upper abdomanal area. We thought it was going to be an in and out situation, thinking it was just bad gas. I was 27 weeks pregnant that day. Once in the ER I learned that my blood pressure was around 180/110. My veins collapsed with each IV try. It took them around 2 hours to get one IV, a needle they normally use for a baby in my pinky, just to get it to take. That same day x-apple-data-detectors://1 my amazing doctor, Dr Forrester from UK Morehead Women's Healthcare, rushed me to UK in Lexington because of their NICU in case I had to deliver early. I was scared to death! The thought of delivering early terrified me, it was way too soon! Most of what I went through was a blur due to the Magnesium drip they had me on. They gave me two shots of steroids to help Chloe's lungs mature a little faster. They gave it in 12 hour intervals instead of the normal 24 because we simply had no time. I was fading and Chloe wasn't getting the proper nutrients and blood flow that she needed to grow. She stopped growing at 26 weeks. My blood pressure was high, I kept headaches, and right before they took her they found my platelets were very low! I was diagnosed with severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome. They couldn't give me an epidural because of my platelets, it would have either paralyzed me or I would have bled out on the table, so I was put to sleep. They rushed me to the OR, and on April 3rd, 2015, on Good Friday, with a Blood Moon going to take place that night, x-apple-data-detectors://4 my beautiful baby girl was born. I knew without a doubt my baby would be fine but I wasn't sure about my health. Usually after they take the baby the mother improves all function to her organs, but I didn't. My health kept diclining fast. My liver bled, kidneys were starting to fail, my bowels went to sleep and had a chance of dying, my heart rate was so fast they were concerned about my heart, I had to be on oxygen... I basically was shutting down. Then the prayers went out. Little by little my organs started improving. Overnight they increased so much the doctors were amazed. Then I became dehydrated from having diarrhea and throwing up the poison I had in my body. They had to give me a potassium, calcium, and a sodium drip. My electrolytes were all messed up. It was like once one thing started healing, something else messed up. The devil fought so hard to discourage me but I knew God was still in control. I had some bad moments when it felt like my body was completely against me but I praise the Lord for the people He put in my path along this journey. They kept me up in my worst of times. I thank God for my wonderful husband and awesome mother who stayed by my side the entire time. I was in the hospital for 10 days. Along with God, they were my rock! My family, my church family, friends, and people I didn't even know sent up so many prayers. I didn't get to see my baby and fully appreciate her till around a week in the hospital. It's a very bad feeling to think my baby was in the hospital a week before I was aware enough to talk to her and see her without fainting. Now God is getting His glory. Through everything, Chloe never once had a life threatening issue. On May 10, 2015 (Mother's Day) Chloe was taken Off the ventilator and put on NIV, which is a nasal cannula that indirectly gave her oxygen, breaths per minute, and pressure to her lungs. On May 27, 2015, she was taken Off NIV and put on the Bubble, which is a nasal cannula that gave her oxygen and pressure. On June 9, 2015 Chloe was introduced to the bottle for the first time, she drank 18mls! On June 22, 2015 she was taken Off the bubble and put on a wall nasal cannula that only gave her oxygen. On June 23, 2015 she was taken out of her incubator and put in a baby crib. On June 25, 2015, 83 days after she was born... God brought Chloe home. She weighed 1lb 11oz and was 12in long at birth being recognized as a micro preemie. We brought her home weighing 6lbs 3oz and 18in long. God didn't just heal Chloe, He healed me too. He performed two miracles. Chloe's life was never in danger, I was the one in danger. Our faith brought Chloe and I through. Faith the size of a grain of mustard seed can make your mountain move... our faith increased the faith of many, even Christians whom I have looked up to my entire life. Through all of this I never once blamed God. I never once doubted my baby would live. Through everything I've been through I see God through different eyes. And I praise Him and thank Him for never leaving me and my baby. Even though I got very, very sick, I would do it all over again, just so God gets His glory. So many great things have come out of this. So many lessons to be learned. God had a purpose and I'm honored He chose me to fulfill His purpose  If you don't believe God can heal all things, I pray you can see what He has done for me and my baby. Doctors can't make your organs wake up overnight! Doctors can't take a 27 week old baby and all that be wrong with her is her lungs from early delivery. God did. He even made a way for Josh and I to pay our bills so Josh could stay by my side the whole time. There are no limits with God!
Now, as we celebrate her 2nd birthday I have to tell you just how amazing God is! Chloe has caught up on every developmental stage that being 3 months early delayed her in. She's had PT, OT, vision, and feeding therapy. We are so very thankful to have that support. At six months old she had to have laser surgery to fix ROP, an issue with the blood vessels in the eyes due to oxygen and early birth. So far her eyes are fine. She has had some nearsightedness but we look for her to outgrow that. God has no limits. I'm so blessed that I get to live with this little miracle and get to watch God move mountains in her. If I ever get discouraged I can look into those eyes and know God will get us through! He has also blessed us with our own home, vehicles that are paid off, means to pay our bills, and amazing friends and family. Looking back on this month several years ago I thought my life was over, now I realize it had just begun!

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