Story about Hidradenitis Suppurativa .

My story

Sep 30, 2017

Year Condition Began: 2001

In 2001 a lump started to grow under my right arm, I had just turned 14 and I was terrified of what it might be. After all we're all taught lump=cancer.
I hid it for a while but as it grew the pain became too much. When it was around the size of half a ping pong ball I told my mum. It was hard and purple and so very painful. I went to my GP and was told it was an ingrowing hair that had become infected and I was put on a course of antibiotics. 2 days later, whilst sat in a maths class I suddenly felt very sick and then there was a wet feeling under my arm. It had burst. Yellow pus and red blood leaking all into my white tshirt, and the smell! Oh god, I had never smelt anything like it.
I ran to the school office and they sent me home. So back to GP, would cleaned, dressing applied, told to continue with the antibiotics. This went on and off for a few years with no actual diagnosis. I learnt to clean and dress wounds, I recognised the signs of a flare up and knew how to deal with them as they happened. I was determined to not be constantly put on antibiotics so I stopped going to the dr. Then about 3 months ago (mid2017) 15 years after my first one I got 3, 1 under my left arm and 2 under my right. The pain was unbearable. I went to my GP, he took one look and told me I had HS and that there was no known cure.
I was so relieved. A diagnosis at last. He told me to google it, join Facebook groups, speak to others that have it and see what I can find. He said that treatment is trial and error and that everyone is different, some people are affected by diet, others by hormones, some by stress or mood.
So here I am, a few months later, on a very restrictive diet.
I'm sleeping better, my skin (face and chest acne) is starting to clear and I feel a bit better. I have wounds that haven't healed and scars that I suspect will stay with me for life.

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