Hydrocephalus synonyms

What other names are the Hydrocephalus known by? Synonyms and other terms with which Hydrocephalus is known.

Hydrocephalus is also known as...
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Hydrocephalus is also known as...

Hydrocephalus life expectancy

What is the life expectancy of someone with Hydrocephalus?

8 answers
Celebrities with Hydrocephalus

Celebrities with Hydrocephalus

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Is Hydrocephalus hereditary?

Is Hydrocephalus hereditary?

4 answers
Is Hydrocephalus contagious?

Is Hydrocephalus contagious?

5 answers
Natural treatment of Hydrocephalus

Is there any natural treatment for Hydrocephalus?

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ICD9 and ICD10 codes of Hydrocephalus

ICD10 code of Hydrocephalus and ICD9 code

3 answers
Living with Hydrocephalus

Living with Hydrocephalus. How to live with Hydrocephalus?

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Hydrocephalus diet

Hydrocephalus diet. Is there a diet which improves the quality of life of p...

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Stories of Hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus stories
We found out at our 20 week anomaly scan that amelia-hope has spina bifida hydrocephalus and talipes. It was a very scary time. Amelia was born 20th august 2013 she had he back closure at 3 days old and she had her vp shunt fitted at 10 days old. Tou...
Hydrocephalus stories
i got hydro due to a tumour in my brain which was discovered when I was 4years old. Had 25 years without complications, but then the shunt broke and I had 10 surgeries in 1,5 years. Many failures and infections. Now I have a VA-shunt since Nov-14. I ...
Hydrocephalus stories
I developed Hydrocephalus in 2010 and it has made me A lot Stronger. I have met so many people online who also have the Condition or a Loved one so now I see that I am not alone. My Life has changed so much, Because I also had 2 Brain Surgerys in the...
Hydrocephalus stories
I have had hydrocephalus since I was 9 months old, after contrating meningitis.  I had a revision at 5 years old and 13 years ol.  I had the shunt removed in 2013.  I am 4 clases from starting my diseataion an I am a full time security guard, rais...
Hydrocephalus stories
I was born April 1982 with hydrocephalus. I had first op aged 6 months old. I am now 34 and have had 12 surgeries to date. I consider myself lucky as i really have no restrictions due to my hydro. I like running half and full marathons for charity.

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