Which are the symptoms of Keratoconus?

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Keratoconus symptoms

Symptoms of Keratoconus

Keratoconus is a progressive eye disorder that affects the shape and structure of the cornea, the clear front surface of the eye. It is characterized by the thinning and bulging of the cornea, leading to a cone-like shape. This condition usually begins during adolescence or early adulthood and may progress over several years. While the exact cause of keratoconus is unknown, it is believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Recognizing the symptoms of keratoconus is crucial for early detection and appropriate management of the condition. Here are some common signs and symptoms to watch out for:

1. Blurred or Distorted Vision

One of the earliest signs of keratoconus is a gradual deterioration in vision quality. Initially, individuals may experience mild blurring or distortion of vision, which can worsen over time. This can make it challenging to read, drive, or perform daily activities that require clear vision.

2. Increased Sensitivity to Light

Keratoconus can cause increased sensitivity to light, a condition known as photophobia. Affected individuals may find it uncomfortable or painful to be exposed to bright lights or glare. This sensitivity can make it difficult to be outdoors during daylight or in well-lit environments.

3. Frequent Changes in Eyeglass Prescription

As keratoconus progresses, the shape of the cornea becomes more irregular, leading to frequent changes in eyeglass prescription. Individuals may find that their glasses no longer provide clear vision or that their prescription needs to be updated frequently. This can be frustrating and may indicate the presence of keratoconus.

4. Distorted or Ghosting of Images

Another common symptom of keratoconus is the perception of distorted or ghosting images. This occurs due to the irregular shape of the cornea, which causes light to scatter and focus on multiple points instead of a single point on the retina. As a result, individuals may see double images or experience halos around lights.

5. Increased Eye Rubbing

People with keratoconus often experience itching or irritation in their eyes, leading to increased eye rubbing. This can further aggravate the condition and potentially worsen the corneal shape. Excessive eye rubbing can also increase the risk of developing other eye conditions, such as corneal abrasions or infections.

6. Poor Night Vision

Keratoconus can significantly impact night vision. Many individuals with this condition report difficulty seeing clearly in low-light conditions or at night. This can make driving at night particularly challenging and unsafe.

7. Eye Strain and Fatigue

Due to the irregular shape of the cornea, individuals with keratoconus often experience eye strain and fatigue. This can occur even with minimal visual tasks, such as reading or using electronic devices. Eye strain can lead to headaches and overall discomfort.

8. Corneal Hydrops

In advanced stages of keratoconus, a rare complication called corneal hydrops may occur. This happens when the cornea becomes so thin and weak that it bulges outward, causing sudden vision loss, extreme pain, and swelling. Corneal hydrops requires immediate medical attention.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to consult an eye care professional for a comprehensive eye examination. Early diagnosis and appropriate management can help slow down the progression of keratoconus and preserve vision.

10 answers
The slow decrease of eyesight acuity and the terrible migraines.

Posted Mar 1, 2017 by Shell 1000
Blurry images and text specially without lenses or specs

Posted Mar 1, 2017 by Kinjal 1100
Constantly changing vision quality on a day to day basis.

Posted Mar 1, 2017 by Gary 500
Visual distortion.

Posted Mar 1, 2017 by Adam 200
My worst symptom was rapid vision loss. Within a month or two, I could know longer see the E on a vision chart. Of course, for my vision to change so quickly, there was a problem. I spent a year trying to find a doctor with knowledge and the ability to help me.

Posted Mar 1, 2017 by Missamylong 305
Blurred Vision is the most common initial symptom, dry eye in some cases or itching

Posted Mar 7, 2017 by Jose Luis 1120
Uneven cornea changes the way light is allowed into the eye making blurred vision

Posted Nov 2, 2017 by Terry 3050
Translated from spanish Improve translation
Remains of acuidade visual, effacement.

Posted Apr 23, 2017 by José Luís Tomé Gonçalves 1480
Translated from portuguese Improve translation
bus visual, itching eye, sharp decline in visual acuity

Posted Apr 23, 2017 by José Luís Tomé Gonçalves 1480

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Stories of Keratoconus

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Empezó a los once años, faltaban unos meses para cumplir los doce. Un día me di cuenta de que veían "raro", veía doble. Me di cuenta cuando, al mirar a la pizarra en clase, veía una doble línea de letras, palabras o números. Fui a varios méd...
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hi i was diagnosed at aged 23 a month before my 24th birthday its in both eyes at age 24 i had cross linking in my right eye which worked and 3 years ago 2013 i had a graft on my right eye but have had complications such as high pressure and a large ...

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