Story about Lichen Planus .

Oral lichen planus

Dec 2, 2

About a year ago I was diagnosed with oral lichen planus; it's been a difficult few months; my mouth gets inflamed almost daily; I have been on cyclosporine for a year; it's a difficult medication to take because I have lots of side effects. My hands swell and my legs pain so much. I started doing yoga and meditation and I feel a difference; I learnt stress aggravates the illness. We can never fully not have stress but by excercising and eating healthy I found that it helps. I initially was extremely depressed but with each passing day: I learnt to change my mindset and be more positive. That is thanks to my amazing husband. He has been my pillar on my darkest of days. I also have very supportive family which helps during the difficult days.

lets be positive and with thT attitude we can overcome this illness

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