Story about Livedoid vasculopathy .

So far to bad

Jan 19, 2020

By: lilly

Year Condition Began: 2019

So far to bad ... with this condition... 38 years old ... 3 kids (13,8 and 2 years old ) working full-time ... with ulcerations on both ankles and feet’s... so painful non stop All day and night feels like burning and stabbing me ...can’t walk right..not having time for my kids being on bed after work this is not life for my kids ... but they deserve better...I do everything what I have to do for them ... breakfast dinner help with homework And the lil one needs me more than everything...but is not enough I’m lost on pain All day 24/7 wishing that next day go away... taking xarelto one a day and pain pills ... but it’s just not go away...I can’t do this no more but I trying cuz my kids they love me and I love them to much I just what help ... doctors trying to help but I just want to know why my skin looks so dark and like is burn on my toes painful
Please help let me know what I can do...

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