Is it easy to find a partner and/or maintain relationship when you have Lupus?

People with experience in Lupus give their opinion on whether it is easy or not to have a partner or to maintain a realationship when you are diagnosed of Lupus. What are the possible difficulties in having a relationship?

Couple and Lupus

Is it easy to find a partner and/or maintain a relationship when you have Lupus?

Living with Lupus can present unique challenges when it comes to finding and maintaining a romantic relationship. Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects various parts of the body, causing inflammation, pain, and fatigue. While it may pose some obstacles, it is important to remember that having Lupus does not make it impossible to find love and build a fulfilling relationship.

Challenges in Finding a Partner

1. Lack of Awareness: One of the main challenges individuals with Lupus face is the lack of awareness and understanding about the disease. Many people may not be familiar with Lupus or have misconceptions about it, which can make it difficult to find a partner who is knowledgeable and supportive.

2. Physical Limitations: Lupus symptoms such as fatigue, joint pain, and mobility issues can impact a person's ability to engage in social activities and meet new people. This can make it harder to expand one's social circle and increase the chances of finding a compatible partner.

3. Emotional Vulnerability: Lupus can also take an emotional toll on individuals, leading to feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and depression. Opening up about these emotions and the challenges of living with a chronic illness can be daunting, making it harder to establish a deep connection with a potential partner.

Strategies for Finding a Partner

1. Education and Communication: It is crucial to educate potential partners about Lupus, its symptoms, and how it may impact daily life. Open and honest communication about your condition can help build understanding and empathy, increasing the chances of finding a supportive partner.

2. Support Groups and Online Communities: Joining support groups or online communities specifically for individuals with Lupus can provide an opportunity to connect with others who share similar experiences. These platforms can serve as a supportive network and potentially lead to meaningful relationships.

3. Prioritizing Self-Care: Taking care of your physical and emotional well-being is essential. By managing your Lupus symptoms and maintaining a positive mindset, you can increase your confidence and attract potential partners who appreciate your strength and resilience.

Maintaining a Relationship

1. Open Communication: Communication is key in any relationship, but it becomes even more important when one partner has a chronic illness like Lupus. Regularly discussing your needs, limitations, and concerns can help your partner understand and support you better.

2. Empathy and Understanding: A supportive partner should be empathetic and understanding of the challenges you face due to Lupus. They should be willing to adapt to your needs, offer assistance when necessary, and be patient during flare-ups or periods of increased symptoms.

3. Building a Strong Support System: Surrounding yourself with a strong support system, including friends, family, and healthcare professionals, can provide additional support and guidance for both you and your partner. This network can help alleviate some of the burdens and challenges associated with Lupus.


While finding a partner and maintaining a relationship when you have Lupus may have its challenges, it is certainly possible. By educating potential partners, prioritizing self-care, and fostering open communication, individuals with Lupus can build meaningful and supportive relationships. Remember, having Lupus does not define you, and with the right partner, love and understanding can flourish.

13 answers
I think it can be easy to have a partner when you have lupus IF you are sticking to a treatment plan, get exercise & constantly work on communicating. Lack of these things can erode a relationship & lead to it's failure.

Posted Sep 1, 2017 by Ailsa 2000
There is NO issue with maintaining relationships!

Posted Oct 27, 2017 by Heather 1600
It’s difficult to maintain any kind of relationship especially when you have a chronic illness
Things that are usually not a big thing now are, like: finances, romance, quality time. Planning and scheduling is necessary by all

Posted Jan 29, 2018 by Kimcita 2600
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I think it is difficult, because we are a problem. We live in bitching, because our life is very difficult , full of pain, fatigue, bad humoradas.... For me it is very complicated. I am a very active person ny I love to make things, when I'm not well and I would like to do the same thing I did before and my strength, I do not accompany me frustro, I get angry, I cry ... That makes me feel powerless. Fortunately I have a man by my side that is not complicated by anything. Has been known to carry this relationship as normal as can be, ever has made me feel sick, nor do I sympathize. Just fits my times and pace. I've been going for 12 years with lupus has not been easy, but it is LIVE.

Posted May 14, 2017 by Marcela salazar 0
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My life changed, my partner was the best therapy and my best medicine when we started my lupus is calm down, in addition to their support is unique.
The relationship is sometimes difficult, but with love everything can be, respect, and love :)

Posted May 15, 2017 by Silviana Alejandra 100
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It is not easy but it is not impossible, nor is it easy to find a partner without lupus

Posted Aug 31, 2017 by Prado 2000
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I have not ever had any problem. It is evident that living with a person with a disease carries with it certain limitations, but everybody has some limitation and the our is this. But a person is much more than your disease. The tips are to be yourself, to talk about the disease with naturalness, as a part of our life (an important part but not the only one), and interact like any other person, because we can love and be loved as any other.

Posted Aug 31, 2017 by Anna 701
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in my case I'm with my partner and it is not difficult to the truth that I was very lucky because I have a great huge man by my side....

Posted Aug 31, 2017 by lissette 2222
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Yes of course why not?

Posted Aug 31, 2017 by Rosa Maria 2000
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It is not difficult it is a question of who Supports you and be aware of all

Posted Oct 3, 2017 by FABIOLA 2010
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There is no impediment for you to do your normal life.
The disease is in your body, not your mind. So to live happy with your other half.

Posted Oct 22, 2017 by Denis 800
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Having a physical illness or autoimmune, you do not have to be an impediment to you to do your normal life in the sense of sentimental, perfectly can be partner and can lead a relationship.
We have come to this world to be happy, not a few undead.

Posted Oct 24, 2017 by Pilita 2190

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