Living with Menkes Disease. How to live with Menkes Disease?

Can you be happy living with Menkes Disease? What do you have to do to be happy with Menkes Disease? Living with Menkes Disease can be difficult, but you have to fight to try to be happy. Have a look at things that other people have done to be happy with Menkes Disease

Living with Menkes Disease

Living with Menkes Disease

Menkes Disease is a rare genetic disorder that affects copper levels in the body, leading to various physical and developmental challenges. While living with Menkes Disease can present unique difficulties, there are strategies and support systems that can greatly improve the quality of life for individuals with this condition.

Medical Management

Proper medical management is crucial for individuals with Menkes Disease. It is essential to work closely with a team of healthcare professionals, including geneticists, neurologists, and nutritionists, who specialize in this condition. Regular medical check-ups and monitoring of copper levels in the blood are necessary to ensure optimal health.

Early Intervention and Therapy

Early intervention is key to maximizing the potential of individuals with Menkes Disease. Starting therapy as soon as possible can help address developmental delays and improve overall functioning. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy can assist with motor skills, sensory integration, and communication.

Nutritional Support

Menkes Disease affects the body's ability to absorb and utilize copper, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies. It is important to work with a nutritionist to develop a specialized diet plan that ensures adequate intake of essential nutrients. Copper supplements may be prescribed to help maintain proper copper levels.

Seizure Management

Seizures are common in individuals with Menkes Disease. It is crucial to have a seizure management plan in place, which may include medication, regular monitoring, and seizure precautions. Creating a safe environment and educating caregivers on seizure first aid can help minimize risks.

Assistive Devices and Adaptations

Depending on the severity of symptoms, individuals with Menkes Disease may benefit from assistive devices and adaptations to enhance their independence and quality of life. These can include mobility aids, communication devices, modified utensils, and home modifications to ensure a safe and accessible environment.

Emotional and Social Support

Living with Menkes Disease can be emotionally challenging for both individuals and their families. Seeking emotional support through counseling or support groups can provide a safe space to share experiences, gain coping strategies, and find comfort in connecting with others facing similar challenges.

Education and Advocacy

Education is essential for individuals with Menkes Disease to reach their full potential. It is important to work closely with educators and school administrators to develop an individualized education plan (IEP) that addresses specific learning needs. Advocating for appropriate accommodations and support services can help ensure a positive educational experience.

Family Support and Respite Care

Living with Menkes Disease can place significant demands on families. It is crucial for caregivers to prioritize self-care and seek respite care when needed. Building a strong support network, accessing respite services, and connecting with other families can provide invaluable emotional and practical support.

Research and Clinical Trials

Staying informed about the latest research and clinical trials related to Menkes Disease is important. Participating in clinical trials can contribute to advancements in treatment options and potentially improve outcomes for individuals with this condition. Consulting with healthcare professionals can provide guidance on available research opportunities.

Living with Menkes Disease requires a multidisciplinary approach, with a focus on medical management, early intervention, therapy, nutritional support, seizure management, assistive devices, emotional support, education, family support, and staying informed about research. While the challenges may be significant, with the right support and resources, individuals with Menkes Disease can lead fulfilling lives.

2 answers
It is hard. Lots of trips to the hospital, lots of care. Mostly the hard part is knowing your son will die.

Posted Nov 2, 2018 by Ellen 300

Living with Menkes Disease

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Stories of Menkes Disease

Menkes Disease stories
Leland is my 9 month old baby boy who was diagnosed with Menkes on March 4 2016 he was born with low body temp crazy kinky hair light skin pigment skull deformed and very loose skin. At 8 weeks ago he started having ear infection and just constantly ...
Menkes Disease stories
My son, Matthew, was born July 31, 2009. At ten weeks old he began having seizures. After a month and a half of doctor visits and hospital stays, he was diagnosed with Menkes Disease. He passed away on May 20,2012. He was the light of our lives. 
Menkes Disease stories
  Once we learned my son Lucas’ diagnosis of http://themenkesfoundation.org/, all our expectations went out the window. It was devastating. But it was also liberating. We had to learn that any disappointment we felt was due to comparing our new r...
Menkes Disease stories
I´m a single-mum of little Marty (* May´14). When he was 9months old we have been told he´s a menkes-boy.

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