Story about Necrotizing fasciitis .

my dad had NF

Jan 29, 2018

By: Stephanie

Year Condition Began: 2017

I saw my dad on new years 2018... and a few days later My dad had been thinking one day that he had the flu. He was by and a large a healthy 54 year old guy. played basket ball every week. He was resting in his recliner and said his butt went numb... then his thigh had pain. when he couldn't get comfortable his girlfriend drove him to the ER. when she called me... I had noticed a few days before there was just an indescribable aura about him. I kept asking him if he was feeling okay... he said yes but something was bugging me about it. So when I got a phone call from his gf that he was headed to strong hospital in rochester I drove right up there I had a feeling it was serious. The Drs. didn t like color either his thigh was hard and swelled. it looked like superficial infection. they rushed him for a CT with in the hour he was black and blue up and down his leg, right glute they started debriding eventually it when up his back and crossed his spine. He's had renal shock and they had to amputate his leg. He is out of the amputation but that was 15th surgery and last week he almost coded during debridement...we didn't think he was strong enough for the amputation but we had to do it. The doctors had tried to salvage the leg... but after having to remove the muscles hamstrings and then the nerves died...they started thinking above knee amputation. But when the other non necrotizing bacteria wouldnt clean from the wound they decided to amputate from the hip. This way they could use the good tissue from his lower leg to graph his back and his glutes etc. but my god. you never think it will happen to your immediate family whay a nightmare it has been for him and for us.

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