Supportive network of family and friends!
Preventative Migraine Medications have helped with the overall headache issue...
Having good support from my family.
Professional grade reusable ice packs are well worth the investment!
Traction/Physical Therapy
Lights trigger my auras It is Very sensitive
StoPain worked great for pain from muscle spasms
Muscle relaxers
Heating pads
Lactose free diet
Referral to Mr Gavin Quigley to have a neuro stimulator implanted in March this year. Thank you to both Dr Muldoon for his referral and for Mr Quigley for agreeing to the surgery. Both men have given me quality of life and control back. Thanks guys.
using essential oils and biofreeze
Heating pad
Hobbies, certain activities
That my daughter knows 100% she has me no matter the good days or the ugly days. Also ER Dr that have sympathy
quitting full-time job
My husband bringing me Starbucks in the morning
Plexus pink Drink helped with a lot of my pain
Taking breaks while I am writing, editing or revising.
Heading to Melbourne in May 2017 to commence Botox PREMPT Regieme
Medications don't always help
I wear boots (Ariat western boots) to better frame/protect feet vs sneakers/soft shoes.
being positive in spite of the pain
Not over doing it
The strength of my husband
Ensuring my food & drink intake is nutritionally dense & inflammatory fighting.
My wonderful family is there for me.