Optic Nerve Hypoplasia prognosis

What is the prognosis if you have Optic Nerve Hypoplasia? Quality of life, limitations and expectatios of someone with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia.

Optic Nerve Hypoplasia prognosis
1 answer
The prognosis for SOD/ONH patients depends on the severity of their particular experience with the disease. Some patients may have all the symptoms and others may only have some. If, say, someone was only blind in only one eye, had pituitary issues caused by this disease, but did not have midline disturbances in the brain. They would have two of the main symptoms of SOD/ONH and so their prognosis is good-ok depending on their lifestyle. If someone, though, where to be effected in both eyes, also have pituitary dysfunction, and also disruptions to the corpus callosum, the prognosis would be much worse as they would be placed on the autism spectrum, would be entirely blind, and seriously ill, severely impacting their life. Another factor with SOD is that driving may not be possible and thorough tests conducted by an Optometrist are necessary before getting a license as, in my experience, driving instructors and the MVD (United States) required eye exam results before allowing me to drive and get my license. So, again, depending on how SOD/ONH effects you, there are many issues one can and will face with this disease as it is a chronic condition.

Posted Dec 7, 2018 by Ty 4960

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My daughter was diagnosed at 2 1/2 months old with ONH. She was born February 20, 2016 so this is still fairly new to us. No other diagnosis as of yet and hormone function has been normal to date. She has light perception, seems to see colours and wi...

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