Question - Panhypopituitarism


Does anyone have depression/anxiety and what drugs help?

Asked 4 years ago Leo 50

My 22-year-old nephew was diagnosed with panhypopituitarism before he was one year old. He's taken Cortef, growth hormone, and Synthroid since then. The last few years he's had problems with social anxieties and depression. He's done a lot of jumping and pacing in stressful times since he was little. He's been taking Cimbalta for over a year, but another drug he was also prescribed caused a seizure in May 2019. He no longer takes that drug. His doctor wants to prescribe him either buspirone, abilify, or SEROquel. My nephew is skeptical of how helpful they would be and doesn't want another seizure. If any of you have taken any of these drugs, or have experiences with panhypopit and depression/anxiety that would be helpful for my nephew to know about, I would appreciate your insight. Thank you.

1 answer | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

I am 48 years old! I was diagnosed with panhypopituitarism when I was 17. I tried every medication for depression about 15 years ago. Finding no help in modern science. I had a dream one night, where God told me that he has a plan a purpose for my life. That through my weakness God may reveal his strength. So I began to follow Christ. Forward to today, I found a great church (The Potters House CFM) where God began to mold me. Now I deal with depression, I use it as fuel. What was meant to hurt me, God changed it for good. Now, when I have a low energy day and depression starts to sneak in. I have a trust in God and not myself. I learned to turn things around for my benefit, it all about how we process life. It is how I mature and grow spiritually. Hope this helps...

Answered 2 years ago Ricardo 0
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