Story about Peripheral Neuropathy , Depression, Fibromyalgia, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Migraine, Peripheral Neuropathy, Primary ciliary dyskinesia, Restless Leg Syndrome.


Sep 8, 2019

By: Sandra

Year Condition Began: 2008

Mine started with just weird feelings in my feet first then also my hands. I went to my family Dr he thought my b12 was low so he gave me b12 shots. I started going downhill fast in the weeks that followed. My sister took me to the ER when I became really weak. They diagnosed me and treated me, saved me before it reached my chest and my breathing. I was in the hospital for about a month. I went home and received physical therapy. I had to relearn to walk, use my hands to eat, do everything again. I waited and waited to regain feeling year after year but I never did. I have really weird symptoms though I cannot feel due to nerve damage but I have over sensitivity to alot of fabrics, etc. The feel of some things litterly make me nauseated. I have migraines now, bursitis in my hips. I have severe sleep issues now. I have balance issues, no reflexes. I cannot stand for very long. I have chronic fatigue issues. I had to have gallbladder surgery. I still have nerve pain but It's something I'm actually used too. I have alot of health issues but I'm blessed.
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