Story about Picks disease .

The begining

Feb 9, 2016

In late 2015 my family first noticed a change in my personality and my ability to remember things. It seemed to start off with silly things like forgetting where the car keys where and i began to forget family members names. I was on medication and had no idea of when what and what time I took tablets or if I had taken them. My wife started to take control of my medication. I saw my GP who did some blood tests to rule out other things. I was then sent for a cat scan in late December 2015. I then had someone from the later life memory team to call on me and do some tests (I didn't do to well). In late February 2016 I went along to see the memory consultant who told me I had front of lobe reduction. At that time I struggled with concentration with conversation and finding difficulties with readinging as some words didn't make sense. My attitude has changed where I can not be bothered in things I used to enjoy golf gardening and my apperance. I don't want to go outside and feel safe at home alone with my wife..I don't enjoy family and friends visiting my home and won't go to their homes. I find my legs have started to go from under me. I am waiting for an allocated nurse to do some more in depth tests and a Mir scan..I know something is wrong with me..I was a very active employed person and have had to become retired due to I'll health. I at first thought It was depression but realise it's not that. At the moment I'm stay at home person and find I am becoming grumpy and find anything to cause an argument.. I know I'm doing it but can't stop my attitude. I used to be so placid and none judgemental. Now I'm a grumpy old man. My sex drive has gone but my wife says I'm rude to people and come out with sexual innuendos to strangers or female family members..

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