Story about Reactive Hypoglycemia .

A Reactive Hypoglycemia story

Apr 17, 2016

I'm very new to this whole thing. I've always eaten very bad and gained weight in my mid-thirtys ,and weigh 250 pounds now ,but I'm a really bad eater. I would have bouts of hypoglycemia ,here and there and would occasionally check my blood sugar ..I've had a number of surgeries and health issues over the years also ,,Life threating ones .Anyway about two weeks ago while eating an over huge dish of ice cream (mint chocolate chip ) and not eating anything afterwards ,about three hours or sooner afterwards ,I had the worst hypo attack I've ever had ,put me on the floor , but glucose tablets bought it back up and I was sick alnight ,seriously the most tramatic thing to ever happen to me ,,,well ever sence then ,I've been having these attacks,not as savere ,,but their there ,,and I have been to the ER and then to the doctors and diet seems to be the only thing helping ,I'm eating every two hours and its so hard ,because I am not hungry...,,AND , thru all this my blood glucose is reading normal and naturally I am thinking it is something else ,,I think I need the TV doctor House ..LOL...

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