My Son Living with RSS

Aug 23, 2017

My son was diagnosed with RSS at 2 weeks old, he is now 14 years, striving for adulthood and is growing well, still responding to Growth Hormone since 4 years of age. Fed through gastrostomy for nearly 9 years which made a huge difference to his overall wellbeing. Has undergone several operations. My advice to anyone out there is to not expect your RSS child to be like everyone else, throw away the milestones literature, shut-out comparing amongst peers - in all aspects of social, emotional, learning and development - he/she will accomplish when they are ready to do so, just a little later, but they will and do get there!!! They accomplish and understand so much more to life, and certainly have a deeper understanding of others and the world around them. What they may lack in size they certainly make up for in personality, zest for life, empathy and enthusiasm! 

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