Story about Scheuermanns disease .

My experience with Scheuermann's Kyphosis

Feb 28, 2017

I first noticed pain in my mid back around age 14/15. I was constantly told to stand up straight and that I had horrible posture (find out later couldn't help it). Finally went ot Doctor and was told that my neck just had a little fat pad and that is why my head was forward of my shoulders (completely WRONG!!!).

Lived with the pain until I was 24 hurt so bad went to Doctor was diagnosed with Scheuermann's Kyphosis. I was told at that time no surgery option was available because my curver was 68degreees. Fast forward now I am 35. Had curve of 78degrees so hah a 8 level spinal fusion Feb 7th 2017, right 3 weeks ago! I am still in pain but different pain. Soon I will have MUCH less pain than before surgery. 

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