How do I know if I have Small Fiber Neuropathy?

What signs or symptoms may make you suspect you may have Small Fiber Neuropathy. People who have experience in Small Fiber Neuropathy offer advice of what things may make you suspicious and which doctor you should go to to receive treatment

Do I have Small Fiber Neuropathy?

Small fiber neuropathy (SFN) is a condition that affects the small nerve fibers in your body. These fibers are responsible for transmitting sensory information, such as pain and temperature, from your skin to your brain. SFN can cause a range of symptoms, including pain, tingling, numbness, and changes in temperature sensation.

Diagnosing SFN can be challenging because the symptoms can be similar to other conditions. However, there are several steps you can take to determine if you may have SFN:

1. Recognize the symptoms: SFN typically presents with symptoms such as burning pain, tingling, or numbness in the hands and feet. You may also experience increased sensitivity to touch or temperature changes. These symptoms often start in the extremities and can gradually progress.

2. Consult a healthcare professional: If you suspect you have SFN, it is important to seek medical advice. A neurologist or a specialist in peripheral nerve disorders can evaluate your symptoms and medical history.

3. Undergo a physical examination: During the examination, the healthcare professional will assess your sensory responses, reflexes, and muscle strength. They may also perform additional tests to rule out other conditions.

4. Nerve conduction studies: These tests measure the speed and strength of electrical signals in your nerves. SFN primarily affects small nerve fibers, which may not be detected by standard nerve conduction studies. However, these tests can help exclude other nerve disorders.

5. Skin biopsy: A skin biopsy is a key diagnostic tool for SFN. It involves removing a small sample of skin, usually from the lower leg, and examining it under a microscope. This allows the healthcare professional to assess the density of small nerve fibers in your skin.

6. Autonomic testing: SFN can also affect the autonomic nerves that control involuntary functions like blood pressure and sweating. Autonomic testing can evaluate the function of these nerves and help in the diagnosis of SFN.

7. Blood tests: In some cases, blood tests may be ordered to check for underlying conditions that could be causing or contributing to your symptoms.

Remember, only a healthcare professional can provide an accurate diagnosis of SFN. If you suspect you have SFN, it is important to consult a medical professional who can guide you through the diagnostic process and recommend appropriate treatment options.

3 answers
SFN is diagnosable by a neuromuscular disease specialist via skin punch biopsy.

Posted Jul 12, 2021 by Jo 3150
Skin Biopsy, examined in lab with types of nerves left counted, taken from wrist or ankle. It will be Yes or No.


Posted Feb 3, 2022 by Mark 2000

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Small Fiber Neuropathy stories
If you would like to follow my blog, it is www.livingwellwithsmallfiberpolyneuropathy.com or just search: www.emilyadneyblog.com Ive written 487 posts. Maybe you will find my blog helpful. best wishes, E
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Begin 2001 postherpetische neuralgie diagnose. Veel pijn in voeten. Niet meer kunnen lopen. Ziekenhuis in, ziekenhuis uit voor allerlei onderzoeken. Geen resultaat. Totdat dokter Teunissen (Sint Antonius Utrecht) mij in februari 2015 doorverwees naar...
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