Story about Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction .


Dec 2, 2

I have had tmj problems from age 10. A clicking jaw that use to lock eating certain foods. I have had every non surgical treatment that I know done, from splints, physio, pain clinic management etc etc I also had a blind arthrocentisis  done on both sides which I feel made it worse.  I had two years ago open tmj surgery on both sides as both discs were permentantly dislocated  (quite pain full but got use to it). My surgeon used mitek anchors to put the discs in place and a fat graft to cushion aroubd the joints. He gave me 10 years for technology to advance before needing a joint replacement. Unfortunately  due to whatever reason (probably using immune suppressant injections for two years due to crohns disease) my whole left side is crumbling and I am scheduled for a joint replacement in november. The other side may be saved a whIle longer but will eventually need replacing too. I am on pain meds for headaches and antidepressants which also help with nerve pain. I'm staying optimistic as what other choice do we have. 

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