Story about Tinnitus , Depression.

A Tinnitus story

Dec 8, 2015

I'm , 71 years of age,  married to Margaret  (44 yrs),  4 children , 3 grandchildren. Worked as a Bricklayer, I first heard of Tinnitus when I was told that I had Menieres on 28 December 1985.  That was a traumatic time and when the Menieres did eventally settle down , I was told that I had hearing loss , which would steadily get worse,  they were right, it has.  Also that I had Tinnitus which they said would be intermittent,  they were wrong,  I've got it 100% of the time with an increase of loudness year on year,  I now have in my right ear as well,  though not as sever as the left.   I was also told that I would have attacks of Menieres which would have me going to bed ( that was the only solution and only defence I had in the short term)    But what wasnt told to me was the fact that I would have Hyperacusis,  or of the short term or long term effects it would have on me or how to deal with it.   Granted there is'nt a lot can be done, but surely there is some way of dealing with it.   ( Even on your list of Diseases,  it's not mentioned)   Surely the fiirst step is to inform people what it is and inform them of the effects loud noise has on sufferers.   I was in Craigavon Area Hospital for 8 Weeks prior to CABG 3 and 3 Assistant nurses made a lot of noise close to me  which I was shouting at them to stop which they failed to do.  They said they didnt know even though at least 14 other Nursing Staff did know all on the same ward.  Sister had put up a notice after I was admitted telling them of my condition..    I had taken up Wood carving as a hobby but had to stop it this year owing to an accident I had with an angle grinder which left me with 3 powerless fingers on my left hand.   I have been trawling the Internet and am now working at Cold Casting Resins and Powders.   I can do that with one hand

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