Story about Tracheobronchomalacia .

Theresa Harrison My Life

Jun 29, 2019

By: Theresa

_This is how my story start, Went to work one day and started having severe strider and a bad cough, at the time i worked at the hospital so they took me to the ER and gave me all kind breathing treatment and steroids to help me breath and it did not work then respiratory came in with a BiPap machine and i could breath every time they took it off i could not. The ENT came in and did a bronch and seen the Collaspe. That is when I was first diagnosed in 2007 with  severe tracheobronchomalacia, _ . You see  I was at a hospital that did not know much about TBM so they sent me to ATL,GA and they could not do any thing there so they sent me home on a BiPap . I came home got on the computer myself and look for a doctor that treated  Patients with TBM and that is when i found my first doctor at UAB he was the first to put my stents in. But he had not stented a patient more then twice. So in 2011 that is when i went to Mass General in Boston to Dr Channick and Dr Wain  to see if _ _i was a cand for the surgery at the time i was not so they sent me to Va to Dr Duhammel  and he continued to stent me till 2014. and i went  back to Mass General to see Dr Wain I call him my life saver and on June 3 2014 he was to do _ my surgery but it was put because of infection and on June 13 2014  They did the Trachealbronchoplasty. Recover time for the surgery  was six to nine months . Went back every three month  for nine months to see the progress.  __Went back on Aug 28 2015 for the Trachealplasty  recover time for second surgery was 6 months went back on Nov 9 to see if it was open all the way still in recover doing ok but still SOB but no where near like i was, not a 100% cure and never will be. Because of scar tissue due to all the stenting You see they stented  me eight years before i had my surgery so between lot of infection and coughing up stent and being put on life support am thank for where am at today.  Thank you for all the Prayers!__. _

_ _
Story about Tracheobronchomalacia

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