Story about Addison Disease .

Firefighter Down

Dec 7, 2016

Hi my name is Dan I was diagnosed with Schmidt's Syndrome 15 years ago Schmidt's Syndrome is a combination of 2 autoimmune diseases Hashimoto Thyroid, and Addissons Disease. At the time I was a Firefighter, and Police Officer I am now Retired.

I had been sick for several years, I could eat very little, I was nauseous most of the time and lost a lot of weight . The primary care Doc that I went to had me marked as a chronic complainer, When I would get an upper respiratory infection it seemed like I would never heal. They would put me on medrol dose pack and I would recover. One visit my doc decided to test my thyroid function yeah we found the problem, he prescribed synthroid and I developed hives and rash he finally got frustrated and sent me to Endocronologist my first visit he noticed the hyper pigmentation of my skin , and Blood pressure dropped off when I stood up he scheduled me for acth and I was diagnosed the next day, ironically I was allergic to the dye in the synthesis not the medicine.

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