Question - Ehlers Danlos


Can trauma make EDS worse?

Asked 8 years ago Toni Rakestraw 150
Marked as solved

We were in a car accident several months ago. Before that, I was hypermobile, but not as badly as I am now. Could the trauma of the accident trigger more issues with my connective tissue overall? For example, even though my feet/legs were uninjured, my proprioception has worsened and the joints in my feet have loosened considerably. I'm not looking for a diagnosis here, obviously, just opinions so I know what to ask my doctors. Thank you. 

7 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

Child birth definitely made my symptoms worse as did falling down the stairs and having a blunt injury to my hip after a fall. I have got progressively worse over the last two years but with no accidents. My right side is now affected as much as my left probably from over compensating. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason why the changes occur. I've also got worsening internal issues so have referrals in to mist specialists. I was diagnosed many years ago with early osteoarthritis but my Hypermobility was only diagnosed 3 years ago. Now they're taking it all seriously I'm finally being acknowledged. X

Answered 8 years ago Louise 55

I think so- but I am just learning, I went through multiple trauma-type situations in a short period of time, both mental and physical and became much sicker with CCI. At first, I was just diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but I got cancer and the treatment seemed to worsen the OI and dysautonomia to the point it was finally noticed by my doctor who referred me, and I finally discovered my real diagnosis about 6 months ago. I started dealing with an intense emotional stresser this summer and I am much sicker and looser. My hips are constantly subluxing and my shoulders... cannot lift anything without them moving around and hurting.

Answered 8 years ago Jennifer Sanders 122

Thank you both for sharing your experiences. I don't feel like I'm losing my mind now. :) I appreciate your time. 

Answered 8 years ago Toni Rakestraw 150

I feel as if it definitely can be exacerbated by trauma.  Some of the worst times I've had, been the most down, physically and mentally, were immediately after traumas that involved physical violence.  I hurt in many respects, migraine flare, joint/body pain, and depression all were amplified for an extended amount of time, unfortunately!

Answered 8 years ago Eunice 5

Yes!  Trauma can aggravate EDS.  I tend to heal much more slowly now, which, in turn, leaves me open to a greater chance of infection. For me,  EDS exacerbates my symptoms - regardless of what is going on in my body. 

Answered 7 years ago CynthiaS 35

I believe so.  My daughter was healthy until she gave herself a concussion by hitting her head at the base of the skull.  That's when the problems began.  First, with what ended up being POTS and later with what ended up being diagnosed as EDS.  It was only a matter of a couple months after she hit her head when her life changed.  It really scares me.

Answered 6 years ago Rachael 0

Thank you!

Answered 6 years ago Toni Rakestraw 150
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