A positive attitude!!!
My will to survive
Not over doing physical activity
Anti depressants
Pain medication
My children do most of the homework anymore.
Cymbalta Med will suck the life out of you.
estar com os meus filhos e marido
Supportive family
online support group
algunos buenos y muy buenos medicos
Profiter des petits plaisirs de la vie, prendre soin de soi, se faire belle, écouter la musique
Estar relajada y sin ningún contratiempo
Family: they support me and help care for me; and of course, they love me and I them. That makes a big impact.
Pain meds take the edge off
I have auto immune diseases also
To be under a team that accepts home visits. NHS too under funded.
A good balance of activity and rest
Medical marijuana should be national by now
Conocer que padezco la enfermedad
Naps are good.
Ability to rest
Retiring young
Escuchar a otras personas con la misma enfermedad
Especialización Médico tratante
Reducing stress
Medication: Gabapentin/Cymbalta/Norco
Medication has made a difference along with a pain specialist and a good Rheumatologist that listens and takes time/doesn’t rush through your appointment or ignore/seem uninterested in what you are telling them
I found a new dr
alimentação natural, saudável, orgânica
No cumplir horarios
Aceite de cannabis
Heat packs and hot water bottles.
CBD helps my pain
Writing is highly therapeutic for me.
No desistir ser positiva escuchar musica encontrar paz dentro de mi.
Not using prednisones
Ensuring my food & drink intake is nutritionally dense & inflammatory fighting.
Self acceptance, learning not to hate my body
Woody Knows nasal filters
When it all gets too much, I relax in front of the telly, until I feel able to cope again
Watching what I eat ( low carb, high veggie), take my medicines, enjoy life
Compléments alimentaires